Chapter XIII

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The Finals - Hawks Against The Ducks:

Everyone was tense the day of the finals, especially Charlie and Adam. We all stood in a single file line next to the Hawks while the rest of the stadium sung the national anthem.  

Everyone gave dirty looks to the Hawks players. I was standing behind Fulton trying to avoid eye contact with Aidan. I didn't want to look at him, but if I didn't he would think I'm a coward; and I am not a coward.

I looked over at them and made eye contact with Aidan, I gave him a snood face. He gave me a look and redirected his attention to Adam. I know what he was thinking.

I rolled my eyes and waited until the pledge was over. 

"And the home of the brave." The stadium rang out. 

"Let's go! Come on, alright!" Our Coach shouted, we all skated over to the bench waiting around our Coach who was on the ice. 

"Come on! Let's get fired up!" We all put our hands in the middle. "Quack, quack, quack, quack." We all Chanted excitedly. The rest of the crowed chanted with the team. "Gooooooooooooo Ducks!" We all cheered while throwing our hands into the air.

"Let's go!" Coach cheered.

I walked out of the bench and skated to my position. I pulled my helmet over my head and got into position. I was next to Aidan "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Whatever, just play the game." I spat harshly.  I watched as the referee dropped the puck onto the ice. A player from the Hawks rammed Banks back into another teammate as they pushed him down to the ice. 

I gave Aidan a look before joining my team in following the puck down the ice. I kept my eye on the puck as I skated down. 

Two guys from the Hawks pushed me back onto the wall. I gasped as I fell to the ice. It took a second for me to get back up and into the game. I wasn't majorly hurt, just a little pain in my arm.

I got back to where the puck was. The Hawks were taking it down to our goal --- I got with the rest of my team. 

Adam finally got hold of the puck I watched him as he went down center. I followed a few feet away next to him, He took his shot, but the Hawks took possession of the puck while on its way to the goal. 

I circled around in an attempt to get the puck. It worked. I made my way down to there goal, I saw that Fulton was open so I passed it to him. He got it, but the Hawks took possession of it again.

I rolled my eyes as I circled back around to the again. I skated a few feet away from Fulton while watching the puck with my eyes. 

I made my way down to their goal where Banks was with the puck. Two guys were coming in hard on him. He hit the puck away from him before getting rammed into by the two guys.

The Hawks got possession of the puck and made their way down to our goal. I begged and begged for Goldberg to block it. 

They took their shot and scored. I shook my head at Goldberg as I skated by. I skated over to Banks as he got up from the ice "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fine." He groaned while skating weakly back to the team. I gave him a concerned look, but he shook it off and went back to playing. 

Man this kid was tough.

I skated back around knocking down one of the Hawks players while following the puck. Guy got the puck, and skated down to their goal avoiding the Hawks players.  I followed a few feet behind him.

He passed it over to Charlie, he caught it, but immediately got pushed down by one of the Hawks. The puck almost went into the goal, I got it and skated back around to try and score. Of course I got cornered into the wall again.

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