Chapter IX

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Y/n's POV;




The next morning I wake up and get ready for school. I eat my breakfast next to my still very wasted drunk mother. I roll my eyes as I put up my dishes and grab my bag.I exit my home and lock the door behind me. 

I silently make my way as the cold morning air hit my face like daggers.  Eventually I get to school and go about my day like normal.

It was almost the end of the school day by now, we are in science learning about molecular compounds which was very boring. Me and Averman kept passing each other notes because we were so bored. 

Thank god he wasn't mad at me; Averman was also my best friend along with Guy too. I don't see how they could stay mad at me. Well, as far as I know Guy, Averman, and Fulton weren't mad at me because I asked them if they were.

The rest of the team besides Charlie is probably mad at me, but I don't care. I roll my eyes and I take the note from Averman. We already went through four pages of my notebook because we kept writing all over the paper.

I open up the folded sheet of paper and read, "Ooooooooooooooooooooo" A bunch of O's. I don't know why.

I think we got to the stage of boredom where we write random thoughts onto the paper now. I smile and write a bunch of W's, re-folded it, and secretly hand it back over to him. 

"Now what are the blue balls?" Our teacher asks us; scattered giggles were followed around the classroom at his question. "Tommy?" He raises an eyebrow slightly has he held the model in his hands.

"Hydrogen?" Tommy answers unsure. 

"That is correct. Now put them together, and you have a molecule that makes up ninety six percent of your body. What is it?" Our teacher asks Tommy again.

"Pizza?" Tommy asked—everyone laughs softly at his answer including me. I felt a tap on my leg and look at Averman who was handing me the note. I take it, and write back to him—I pass it back across the isle. 

I hear knocking at the door and turn my head slightly to see who it was. "It's the principle. I'll be right back." The teacher said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him to speak with her. 

"How'd the forfeit go, Spazway?" I turn around and look behind me to see who said that. I see Karp turned around in his seat to face Charlie. 

"Yeah did you score?" Peter asks mockingly. 

"Just leave him alone, guys." I say clearly getting irritated by their remarks. 

"Oh? Defending your boyfriend, now aren't we?" Peter says as he turns towards me with a grin, my eyes narrow on him angrily. 

"Were not even dating, Peter, So I suggest you better shut up before I-" I pause and take a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. "Never mind." I say softly trying to control my emotions. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He said with a chuckle, I clench my jaw at his words.

"Come on Peter, leave Y/n alone. She didn't do anything." Averman says trying to defend me. 

"Ohh two boys come on you player who's gonna be next." I clench my jaw tighter and my hands ball into fists, resisting the urge to punch him square in the jaw.  

"Seriously Peter this isn't funny leave her alone." Guy piped up.

"Oh? Why should I?" Peter tilts his head slightly as he looks over at me. 

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