Final Part - Prologue

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It has been a hot minute since I updated last so... heyyy... how y'all doing? 2021 is off to a shitty start already so that's fantastic... anywho, here's the chapter. Prolly gonna be a bit before the next one though.

"Report." Kakashi superior, Kenta Takeo, demanded.

"Both hospitals in lower Ichikawa have been secured. The surrounding buildings were hideouts for some of the smaller gangs in the area. Lower Ishikawa has been completely secured with 0 casualties. The armed forces moved in as scheduled."

"How many dead?"

"I believe I said 0 casualties, sir." Kakashi replied. Kenta raised an eyebrow and Kakashi folded his arms. "I didn't count the bodies, but I'd say about 200 villains, give or take a couple."

"I see." Kenta seemed unbothered by this, which Kakashi thought was nice. If he had a military superior who was sensitive to death Kakashi might've mutinied.



"Ichikawa has been re-taken and is under the control of the Hero Commission and the Japanese government."



"The targeted buildings are now receiving the aid of the military and the heroes. Some civilians who didn't evacuate were found among the rubble. 3 casualties on the Air Force's part, they came in too early and were shot down." Kakashi said monotonously.

"I see." Kenta paused. "New mission for you."

Kakashi read over the paper and resisted a frown. "A 15 person squad?"

Though one of the conditions of Kakashi's agreement with the Japanese government that the only way he would be on the front lines was if he stayed out of the spotlight, Kakashi couldn't fault them for not keeping their part of the bargain. It was a verbal agreement after all, and it's not like Kakashi wasn't expecting this.

"We're tasking you with reaching the Funabashi general hospital."

So the Hero Commission put Kenta up to this. It was a test of some sort. Fair enough. "Will Uchiha be coming?" Kakashi had to quell any sense of familiarity in this room. Everyone was just a last name now.

"No. Congratulations. You're receiving a field promotion to Sergeant."

"I'm honoured." Kakashi replied dryly



"The hospital was reached without any difficulties. It took a total of 3 days to reach it due to short breaks. I radioed the main HQ with the news but there was no connection, so we were forced to wait for reinforcements. In 2 days, the surrounding buildings were ravaged and the Hospital was looted of what little it had already. We waited 2 more days for the reinforcements that never came. After 3 days, I had to make a decision. I took my squad back the way we came but we were discovered by a band of villains. 7 of the 15 survived and 4 of them were injured beyond repair." Kakashi explained apathetically.

"And the route?" Kenta asked, ignoring the latter part of Kakashi's story.

"It's been cleared."


"Report." Obito stood in front of Kenta in Kakashi's stead. The Hero Commission had recognized their strength and willingness to help finish what was likely going to become a very long war without their help, so Kakashi was on a solo mission.

Obito and Kakashi both led smaller squads, which was nice, though Obito did miss going on duo missions with Kakashi where no one would look at him oddly if he decapitated someone.

"The routes to Urayasu have been cleared and the military is clear to move in. My team counted 70 villains on our paths and there are more in the heart of the city. We have yet to run into the League but they have stopped recruiting off the streets of Chiba."

"We're close to retaking Chiba with the aid of the heroes so that would make sense."

Obito hadn't been aware that they were so close. They were about to have 2 prefectures under control after months of trying.


"Route clear. Explosives in position. Ignite on my mark." Kakashi muttered into the communication device. "3, 2, 1, now."

The explosion rattled the buildings and sent waves of wind rushing backwards. The targeted buildings went up in smoke and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. There was a loud creaking noise before the supports of the tallest building gave out and the building completely collapsed in on itself, taking out the other 2 buildings with it.

Kakashi was out of the blast radius but the smoke still made his eye water.

Obito appeared next to him using Kamui. "It's been taken care of. Kamogawa has been secured The armed forces are moving in for the remaining arrests."


All of the places listed here are real places. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible.

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