Chapter 9 - Fairness is Decided by Circumstance

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I wrote this chapter right after the last one, and I wanted to post it.

"You do not need to say anything. You have nothing to gain from any promise or favor, just as you do not lose anything from remaining silent. Anything you do or say may be used as evidence." The police officer said.

"Okay." Kakashi shrugged. They cuffed him once the medics had checked him over. The cuffs were tight, and he could tell that his chakra was regenerating much slower than normal.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Bakugou stopped him.

"Ask these guys." Kakashi jerked his head in their direction.

"You're being arrested?!" Midoriya asked.

"Oh, is that what this is? I couldn't tell." Kakashi muttered.

"Right... sorry." Midoriya's head snapped up, "But why? He... he saved us!"

"He also killed 2 people." The police officer said.

"Midoriya. Save it." Kakashi said. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, and standing around arguing over something that could be changed later wasn't going to help anything.

"O-okay...." Midoriya stepped back, and the rest of the class watched as the police car drove away.

Kakashi's arm stung. Momentarily, the world tinted red, but he blinked, and it was gone.

He closed his eyes, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


The car ride took an hour and a bit. Kakashi woke up when the car stopped. They helped him out of the car and sat him down in a rather comfortable interrogation room. They were being very kind to someone who'd just killed 2 people. Was it because he was in the hero course?

Tsukauchi entered the room. "Here again?"

"Yep. Thanks for the hospitality by the way."

Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow and began his questions. "Why did you kill those 2 villains?"

"Because they were trying to kill me and my classmates. Forgive me if I value their lives over the lives of 2 villains."

Tsukauchi pursed his lips into a thin line. "Why didn't you just subdue them?"

"It wasn't an option. Subduing the villains would've taken a considerable amount of extra time, and my classmate's lives were at risk. If I had lengthened the duration of the fight, I cannot say for certain that I would've won."

"Have you killed before?"


Tsukauchi's face turned grim. "What was your life like before this?"

Kakashi had to try very hard to stop himself from laughing.

"Is something funny?"

"No, I just don't know what you expect me to say."

"Do you know what's wrong with what you did?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Maa, of course I do. I killed someone. If you're asking if I regret it then I have to say no." Tsukauchi opened his mouth to say something. "No. I'm talking now. I single handedly stopped three villains from attacking my classmates, and you want me to feel remorseful?" Kakashi scoffed, he could feel his anger rising. "Don't make me laugh."

'Kakashi... calm down.'

"And you want to know what my life was like before this? Why, so you can tell the public some sob story about how I've had it rough, and Yuuei is going to teach me how to 'better myself?'"

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