Chapter 8 - Theories

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Oh goodness, I really thought I wouldn't be able to get this chapter out on time. Welp, not doing that again. Please point out any spelling mistakes I may have made in my haste to get this out on time.

The next few mornings went by relatively quickly.

Today, the class was picking representatives, which were Midoriya and Momo. There were a few more lessons, and then lunch.

Kakashi had noticed something off about Midoriya, he'd done a little research on Quirks, and Midoriya seemed to be having problems with his, which wasn't unnatural, but the scale of the problems was becoming a problem. Not just for him, but for those around him. So, Kakashi decided to talk to Bakugou, the childhood "friend".

"What do you want Cyclops?" Bakugou growled.

"To talk to you." Kakashi sat across from him.

"Oh yeah? 'Bout what?" Bakugou scoffed, and took a bite of his food.

"Midoriya." This got Bakugou's attention.

"Why the fuck do you want to talk to me about that shitty nerd?"

"You were his friend when you were younger, he didn't have a Quirk, correct?"

"Yeah. I'd fucking remember it if he did." Bakugou retorted.

"Right. What exactly did he say?"

Bakugou thought about it, "Why do you want to know?" He leaned over his food.

"Because there's something wrong with this picture, and I want to know what."

Bakugou was silent, "I'll help you, but you'd better fucking tell me what you find."

Kakashi pretended to consider it, then said, "Fine. So what did he tell you?"

The two of them talked, and Bakugou was surprisingly easy to work with. By the time lunch was over, Kakashi had a few theories bouncing around in his head, but he needed to look further into them.

Kakashi, being a former ninja, didn't miss the fact that there was someone new in the building, he remembered the scent well from his kidnapping, and grinned. 'It's about time they did something, I'm surprised they waited this long.'

Kakashi looked at Bakugou, who was next to him, and told him, "Someone unauthorized just entered the school."

"The fuck? How do you know?"

"Enhanced senses." Kakashi replied simply. Bakugou shrugged, and chose to believe him. "No point in telling the teachers, if I noticed, they will too."

"If you're going to sit on your ass, fine but-"

"Maa maa, who said I wasn't going to do anything about it? Come with me." Kakashi grabbed Bakugou, and shunshined them towards the scent.

"The fuck did you-"

"Shhh." Kakashi put a hand over Bakugou's mouth. Bakugou seemed pissed, but he didn't say anything. 'Perhaps I should take him on as a student....' Kakashi mused. 'At the very least, I should teach him sign language or something. Hm....' Kakashi pulled out his notebook and wrote,

15. Sign Language/hand signals

Bakugou gave him an incredulous look, and Kakashi grinned. He quickly peered around the corner. He lightly tapped Bakugou, and hinted to the notebook.

2 people, 1's guarding, 2nd is... getting info. Not gonna be here much longer.

Bakugou nodded.

Distraction. I'll snap

Kakashi pointed to himself, and Bakugou stepped back. Kakashi did the (hopefully) universal symbol for "on my mark", then counted down from 3. Within that time, he henged into a mixture of his students from team 7, taking Sasuke's hair, Sakura's face shape, and Naruto's eyes and whiskers.

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