Chapter 14 - Rin

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I'm back!
Pretty short hiatus, but pretty much all I did was work, so I figured, why not work AND get feedback?

The house blueprint is done as well, so I'll start putting that at the end of every chapter! As always, thank you for your continued support! 

Be forewarned, there are going to be a lot of spoilers from now on, so I'm not going to warn for spoilers because I'd be putting warnings in a lot of places, so... yeah!

Now, on with the chapter!

Kakashi didn't end up going to the internships (for obvious reasons), so he stayed back with Aizawa and Hizashi.

Just because he didn't go back to school before everyone left, didn't mean he was unaware of what was (most likely) about to go down.

Iida was going to do his internships in Hosu, which also happened to be where the Hero Killer was going to be, Midoriya was going to train with All Might's old teacher, and Todoroki was with his father. When Kakashi heard about Todoroki's internship choice, he regretted not being able to go see him off.

Kakashi had also gotten a fair number of internship requests, but those were handled by the principal.

"We're here." Hizashi said, bringing Kakashi out of his thoughts.


"I'll come get you in 2 hours." Hizashi reminded him.


Kakashi sat in front of Goto's office. Goto worked in his own house, and used the basement for his clients. There was a separate entrance to the basement that you could walk into from outside. The door to the main room was on the left, and the bathroom straight ahead once you walked in. The hallway you stood in when you first entered had shoe and coat racks, along with boxes of books. Seating lined the walls and the floor was carpeted.

"Kakashi?" Goto called. A man walked out of the room and thanked Goto a few times. Kakashi stood up and the man bumped into him.

"Excuse me." The man muttered, keeping his head down.

Kakashi didn't say anything as he stepped into the room.

"How are you doing today?" Goto pulled out his painting and set it on an easel.

"I'm...." Not okay right now.

It was weird because Kakashi had been having such a great week. No nightmares, no flashbacks. Nothing. He didn't really know what changed, it could've been the large lollipop he saw that child eating in a movie he saw, or the hand signs in the recent episode of the shounen serialized anime. It could've even been the giant 9-tail fox plushie he saw at a retro arcade.

It might've been a combination of all those things.

The bottom line was: Kakashi felt like shit.

'Yes you can. You can talk to him.'

'No I can't. Shut up.' Kakashi waved off the voice that sounded suspiciously like Rin.

'Just tell him.'

'Say something.'

"...fine. I'm fine."

"Hm. Well I'm feeling a little sad. A friend's dog just passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kakashi recognized this technique. Goto opened up to Kakashi so Kakashi would open up to Goto.

It usually didn't work.


"Did Aizawa tell you what happened?" He asked.

"He did. I'm sorry that happened to you." Kakashi looked up and expected to find pity in Goto's eyes, instead, he found disappointment. Not at Kakashi though, society maybe?

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