Chapter 1 - Truth

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Oh my god. I finally got this chapter out. I've been working on this thing all week.

Kakashi spent the rest of the break talking to Obito, who was in India now, and Goto. He was currently at his last session before going back to school.

"How are you doing today, Kakashi?"

"Same as always." Kakashi sighed.

"I was thinking we could talk about your old village today, if that's alright."

"Sure." Kakashi was almost done the painting now, it looked just as he remembered. The streets bathed in the lights of the sunset, his students, the hokage faces. He wondered if he should just tell Goto about his true origins. The fact that he really didn't have a Quirk at all, or the alternate dimension. There were theories of course, but nothing concrete. "It's run by martial law, there are no elections and the positions of power are given to the strongest fighters. There are few civilian positions, and the average lifespan is 20." Kakashi began, to give Goto a good look at how his village was, he had to show the darkest parts first. "There are no heroes, instead there are Shinobi, who are sent of various types of missions of varying difficulty."

"I see." Goto said, his face carefully blank. "And you were a Shinobi?"

"I am a Shinobi." Being a Shinobi wasn't something you could just leave. Sure you could retire, but it would permanently taint the way you view the world. Most retired Shinobi were cynical and more often than not, not quite well in the head. Well, not that there were many retired Shinobi.

"What sort of missions were they?"

"Rescuing cats from trees is a common one if you want to make some quick cash. Infiltrations, assassinations, torture, body guard missions, things like that." Kakashi said.

"Okay." Goto paused. "Is that your village?" He asked, gesturing to the painting.

"Probably." Kakashi said after a beat of silence. "I don't know what it looks like now."

"Does it get renovated often?"

"It gets destroyed often." Kakashi corrected.

"Sounds like a lot of property damage fees." Goto said, completely serious.

"Yeah." Kakashi said with a bit a humor.



"Where exactly is your village?"

"In the Land of Fire, which shares a border with the Lands of Steam, Sound, Waterfall, Grass, Rain, and Rivers and Tea, I believe. Rivers is the largest neighboring country, Rain is the most prosperous, (though you can't enter or leave without clearance), Sound is by far the most dangerous-"

"Kakashi... what are you talking about?" Goto interrupted. "It almost sounds as if you're talking about another world entirely."

"It does sound like that, doesn't it?" Kakashi grinned wryly.

"That... makes a lot more sense actually."

Kakashi suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. Relief washed over him in waves and he sat back on the couch.

Goto smiled and gave him a lopsided smile. Kakashi felt the urge to say his deepest secrets, and this time, he did just that.

He told him about the way the village worked first. The missions desk, the academy, the different nations, now all he had to do was talk about his grief, then all would be solved.

"Were you friends with your teammates?"

"No. I was a complete jerk back then. A real stickler."

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