Chapter 1 - Plans

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Woah! Double update!

When they returned to school, Kakashi was bombarded with questions about his battle, and what exactly had happened.

The students weren't told what happened, they were told that someone's Quirk had gone out of control and the USJ incident was the result of that accident.

"Maa, maa, you were there weren't you?" Kakashi asked, knowing full well that they wouldn't have been able to see anything.

"Yeah, but there was a lot of dust." Kirishima shrugged.

"Who was that guy you were talking to? He came and helped us?"

"Oh, he was a friend of mine. As was the "attacker."" Kakashi explained. "He must've sensed the blood lust, and teleported to where it was, i.e - the USJ."

"You know some manly people!" Kirishima grinned, Kakashi raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off.

"Hello class." A voice purred from the front of the classroom. "I'm your substitute, Midnight. You may call me Midnight sensei, or Kayama sensei. Whichever you prefer."

Iida's hand shot up as soon as she finished talking. She nodded to him. "Excuse me, Kayama sensei, where is Aizawa sensei?"

Midnight's grin faltered a little. "He's in a meeting right now. He won't be returning for the day."

"I see. I apologize for the interruption!" Iida bowed, and sat back down.

"Now, as most of you know, we have a very important event coming up. This event will decide the course of your future." She paused for dramatic effect, "The Yuuei Sports Festival!"

The class breathed a sigh of relief, and she began to explain what the base rules would be, seeing as most of the students had only ever watched.

Kakashi didn't really care about the Sports Festival. Midnight had said it was so that agencies would be able to see your skill and recruit you in the future, but Kakashi still wasn't too keen on becoming a hero. It just really wasn't his thing. All he wanted was to sit back, read his porn and mess with people, was that too much to ask for? He didn't think so.

Soon it was Lunch. Kakashi sat next to Bakugou, and waited for him to ask questions. Surprisingly, he didn't. He just sat quietly.


"How strong are you?"

"Me? I'm just a-"

"No. You're not. I know you're not. Look, you don't really owe me anything, but can you at least tell me what the fuck that bullshit was back at the USJ?" Bakugou's hands were shaking, Kakashi couldn't tell if it was from anger, disappointment, or something else.

He considered his options for a little bit, before he thought, to hell with it. "Okay."

Bakugou looked up quicker than even Kakashi's eyes could register. 'He's like a puppy.' Kakashi thought. 'Oh shoot. My ninken. They probably think I died. Whoops.' "Did you think I wasn't going to tell you?"

"I did, yeah." Bakugou said bluntly.

"Hm... where to start?" Where to start indeed. How would he make this believable, but still truthful? "The boy who came to help us is a childhood friend. We were teammates a while ago. The cause of the destruction at the USJ was the sibling of a friend of mine. He loses control often, so we knew how to deal with him." That made a surprising amount of sense for something he pieced together last minute. Bakugou seemed to believe him.

"Teammates? What sort of team?" Bakugou asked. He'd only sworn twice throughout this exchange, Kakashi didn't know he had it in him.

'If I want him to trust me... I'll go with that.' Kakashi sighed and switched to their code "We were... in the military."

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