Chapter 10 - Believe Me When I Say...

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From now on, I think things will start to take a more serious note, since I'll be bringing up more from Kakashi's past. There will also be a fair amount of violence going forwards. Maybe not in this chapter, but just in general. You've been warned.

Aizawa stared at him for a few moments before sitting on Kakashi's bed. "How bad do you think it'll be?"

Kakashi thought of the civilian screams and villages drenched in blood. He thought of Zetsu, who still seemed to haunt his nightmares, and Kaguya who really was just a huge slap in the face to everything they'd worked for. He thinks of Madara, who's raw power was enough to make him fall to his knees.

"That depends." He said, his voice carefully blank and face devoid of emotion.

"On what?"

"How many corpses they managed to get before now, and how well All for One can use the power he has." Aizawa said nothing so Kakashi continued. "We'll be lucky if the most powerful user of the power doesn't end up showing up. I suspect that All for One borrowed the power, and the only one who knows how to use it is-" Kakashi cut himself off.

"Is?" Aizawa prompted.

"Shit." Kakashi cursed. "Obito, and possibly Shukaku, but he doesn't know they're here. So the only person who he could access is-"

"You." Aizawa finished.

"I'm in contact with Obito, he's actually...." Kakashi opened his left eye and brought Obito out of the Pocket Dimension. "Right here."

"Hi...." Obito waved awkwardly.

"Obito, can you contact Shukaku?"

"Give me a little time and I should be able to-"

"We don't have time." Kakashi interrupted. "We can't be sure that All for One isn't aware of you and Shukaku, but at the very least he knows that I'm here and that I'm not from here."

"You didn't tell me he knew that." Obito said quietly.

"He only mentioned it in passing and I was a little preoccupied at the time." Kakashi argued.

"You can't have forgotten...." Obito countered. "Your memory is too good for that."

"Yes, well part of my leg had just been disintegrated, so I'm sorry if I forgot one little detail that was only mentioned once, I was, like I said, a little preoccupied at the time."

"You didn't mention that bit either." Obito muttered.

"Are you seriously arguing with me over this?"

"I just wish you would tell me things!" Obito snapped.

"I am telling you things! You've only been here for two days, and there's a lot going on, if you hadn't noticed." Kakashi objected.

"You can't just leave out things this important, we could've figured this out ages ago!"

"I can't leave out things "this important?" Might I remind you why we're in this situation in the first place?"

Obito's mouth snapped shut. "I knew it."

"Obito, I didn't-"

"You do think it's my fault."

"Kakashi, Obito, if what you say is true, this isn't the time to be arguing." Aizawa interjected.

"Exactly." Kakashi muttered.

Aizawa sighed heavily and massaged the bridge of his nose. "There's a guest room in the basement if you'd like to sleep there." He told Obito. "Kakashi, we'll need to go to the police with the information you've gathered so they can decide whether or not this is a national emergency."

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