Chapter 3.6 - Malfunctions

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What's this? I'm updating twice in a row? I must be out of my mind.

Kakashi honestly can't say he knows how he got here. One minute he was going down an elevator with Todoroki and Bakugou, and the next, they're stuck in the elevator, and Bakugou is dangerously close to a panic attack.

Kakashi is worried, not because of the elevator, that probably won't be the thing to kill them today, but because the building shook just as the elevator broke.

"Bakugou, breathe." Kakashi exaggerated his breathing so Bakugou could follow. They were lucky the lights were still working. "Todoroki, if the lights go out I need you to create a flame."

Todoroki nodded and pulled out his phone. Kakashi couldn't shunshin them with confidence either, Bakugou's body might not be able to take it right now.

Shunshining with Bakugou and Todoroki is different from doing it with someone who has Chakra. When using the shunshin, you have to actively circulate your Chakra throughout your body. If you're with a Shinobi, you can circulate their Chakra for them if they don't know the technique. Since neither Bakugou or Todoroki have Chakra in the first place, Kakashi has to circulate his through them, which is taxing for all of them. It takes a lot more Chakra than a normal shunshin, and it's dangerous for Todoroki and Bakugou if their bodies were to reject the Chakra.

Bakugou squeezed his eyes shut and Kakashi could hear him counting up to 10 and down from 10 until he opened his eyes.

"We'll be alright." Kakashi said to no one in particular.

"Yeah." Todoroki and Bakugou nodded.

They spent a few minutes trying to get service with no luck. The elevator creaked and swayed back and forth.

Kakashi was starting to see why Bakugou had been freaking out.

Todoroki seemed calm, but he was constantly wiping the sweat from his hands onto his pants.

That was another thing, sweat. Bakugou generated nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is highly unstable and explosive, it could explode at the smallest bit of friction, and it was practically pooling onto the floor of the elevator. Kakashi learned that Bakugou made extra Nitroglycerin whenever he was stressed. Good for battle situations, not so much for when you're trapped in an elevator.

"Bakugou... how would you feel about going into my pocket dimension?"

"What the fuck? Why?"

"You're sweating. We don't want to turn this elevator into a bomb." Kakashi said bluntly.

"I can deal with it." Bakugou grumbled stubbornly.

"I don't doubt that under normal circumstances, you would have this under control. You have exceptional control over your Quirk, and this is the first time I've seen you lose it like this. However, we're in a dangerous situation, and if you get into my pocket dimension, I can get us all out of here." Kakashi explained calmly.

"Fine." Bakugou muttered.

Just as Kakashi revealed his Sharingan, the elevator shook again, and the lights went out. Todoroki didn't light a flame.

"Good." Kakashi praised. "We don't want your fire to blow something up."

Now, Kakashi was as good at seeing in the dark as the next Shinobi, but normally seeing in the dark was outside, where there was still some light. Not locked in a box with a panicking child, another child who could easily light them all on fire or blow them all up with a flick of his wrist, and a Shinobi who hasn't gone on a mission in a long time, who also happens to be a child.

He waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. It took a bit of time and when he could finally see, it wasn't as great as he expected. The elevator was letting little to no light inside.

The elevator creaked and Kakashi's eyes widened. His stomach jumped to his throat as the box fell through the air. Since the box was breaking anyway, Kakashi kamui'd a hole into the side, something he hadn't done earlier because he wasn't sure if doing so would make the elevator fall.

They were high up. Kakashi didn't know why he expected otherwise, they needed to go to the top floor, but it was really something.

Kakashi acted quickly. He tore a larger hole in the box, grabbed Todoroki and Bakugou, then jumped out.

He prepared himself for the blow.

Though it probably wouldn't do much, he coated his feet, legs, and hips in Chakra, and hoped for the best.

They never hit the ground. They were caught mid air by a man with blonde hair and red wings. Hawks, Kakashi's brain supplied.

They hit the ground gently, instead of the bone shattering impact Kakashi was expecting.

Kakashi put Todoroki and Bakugou down, checked them for injuries, then he turned back to Hawks.


"Did you blow a hole into the side of the elevator?" He asked.

"It was the only thing I could do." Kakashi muttered.

"Good job." Hawks smiled. "We might not've been able to get to you if you hadn't. Not that we'd let you die, but it would've been a close one."

Aizawa and Hizashi arrived at some point. Kakashi didn't really remember the specifics. They were told that the building was hit by a villain with an earth Quirk, which caused the entire building to be shut down, and half of the building was completely destroyed. The building wasn't as close to many other high rises, it was isolated from the others by a few 100 meters, but that made all the difference.

Bakugou's parents didn't come to pick him up. Endeavor was furious, whether it was at Todoroki or the heroes was unclear.

Kakashi invited Bakugou over to his house for a "sleepover."

Bakugou agreed tiredly.

Later that night, Bakugou told Kakashi about his parents.

His mother was verbally abusive and would sometimes hit him. She used to lock him in small, dark spaces for long periods of time, hence his breakdown in the elevator. His father wasn't much better, he would sit Bakugou down after one of Mitsuki's outbreaks and explain to Bakugou what he'd done wrong. Masaru always spoke to Bakugou like he was speaking to a kindergarten student, like he was a toddler that needed scolding. He was emotionally manipulative, and Kakashi already hated him.

Since Bakugou had done a lot of sharing today, Kakashi thought it was only fair if he showed some emotion too.

"Just so you know... you can always come here." Kakashi had said after a long pause of silence.

"Yeah." If Bakugou's voice cracked, Kakashi hadn't noticed. "I know."

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