Chapter 10 - USJ

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Pretty much just fluff and awkward interactions. Sort of a filler chapter but I had fun writing it so whatever!

Today was the day that Kakashi met his second therapist. In this world anyways.

"Hello, I'm Goto Akira. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" Goto was tall, he had short, black hair with blue tips. He sat comfortably on his couch and waited for Kakashi to say something.

"I'm Hatake Kakashi." Kakashi shrugged. "I'm a first year student at Yuuei. My Quirk is Reminiscence." He didn't tell him anything that he didn't know.

Goto seemed to find this more amusing than irritating. "I see. Why don't you tell me a bit about your Quirk? I've been informed by your guardians that it's very powerful."

"Sure." Kakashi shrugged, not really agreeing or disagreeing with the man.

"Hm." Goto was silent for a moment, before he left and returned with some clay and tools. He set them gently on the table "Make something, whatever you like."

Kakashi eyed the bag of clay, then slipped off his gloves, cut the bag open and took out a piece. Kakashi stared at it for a long time, before he began to shape the block. Once he got the general shape, he began to sharpen the edges, and round the handle. He flattened the circle at the end and poked a hole in it.

"There." It took him a total of 15 minutes.

"A blade?"

Kakashi shrugged.

Goto smiled, "I'll set it aside, and next time you come back, it'll be dry and you can paint it."

Kakashi shrugged again, not letting his surprise show.

Goto sat back on the couch. "You can take another piece if you want."

This time, Kakashi made the Uchiha emblem. He looked at it, then frowned and decided to make something else. He had nothing against the Uchiha... except for those things he had against the Uchiha. The people themselves were fine, in fact a good amount of them were nice. The name just always seemed to bring back bad memories.

Kakashi noticed Goto's eyes on him, and he looked up. "You can draw if you want, or I have a few spare canvases."

Kakashi didn't want to ask anything of him, so he just shrugged again.

"Don't your shoulders ever get tired?" Goto asked.

Kakashi resisted a smile, "Sometimes."


"How was it?" Aizawa asked on the drive back.


Aizawa hummed, but didn't say anything more.

The evening passed smoothly; Kakashi did some more research, Aizawa prepared for the upcoming field trip, and Hizashi graded assignments.

"Hey little listener, whatcha looking at?" Hizashi looked over Kakashi's screen. "Aerodynamics? Wow! That's some advanced stuff."

Kakashi nodded slowly, his eyes didn't move off the screen. "It's interesting."

"Sure is! I'll leave you to it then."

Kakashi nodded again, and Hizashi disappeared around the corner.

Kakashi stood up to get water, but his legs shook from exhaustion. 'I guess I overdid it....' He squeezed his eyes shut to will away the migraine he could feel building up behind his left eye.

He dragged himself to his bedroom, and collapsed onto the bed. 'Sakura would kill me....' He thought before falling asleep.


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