Chapter 5 - Mall Trips

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<Anyone else wondering what the fuck is up with all those grave robbings?>

<No one knows what they took yet, it hasn't been confirmed to the public. 10 bucks says it's the corpses.>

<They're probably doing this to fuck with the police>

<Whatever the reason, it's working. Everyone looks so damn stressed it's hilarious.>

<Has the League tried to recruit any of you, or is it just me?>

<You goddamn idiot! They told us not to say anything! The fuck is wrong with you?>

<Oh shit. How do I delete?>

Kakashi shut his phone off and stepped out of the car.

There was general chaos in the classroom. Mina and Kaminari were worried about their exam scores, and Midoriya was trying to reassure them while also shooting very obvious glances towards Kakashi.

The door slammed open. "Sit down when the bell rings." Aizawa grumbled. The class scrambled to their seats and he continued. "Some of you failed your exams. So, as much as it pains me to say... everyone will be going to the forest lodge!"

"WHAT?!" The class shouted collectively.

"You all passed the written exam, but Ashido, Kaminari, Jirou, Ojirou and Sero failed the practical." Aizawa said.

"But we can still go?!" Mina beamed.

"Hang on... he never said that failing the practical would lead to us staying back...." Sero mumbled.

Kakashi bit back a laugh at their reactions. Aizawa continued to talk about the exam, and Kakashi tuned him out.

Something was wrong, he knew it. All for One wasn't going to just disappear after their fight, he was likely planning something from the shadows. Kakashi just didn't know what.

Well... he had some suspicions, but he didn't want to think about what would happen if he was right.

"-I'll hand out the lodge guides, so pass them to the person behind you."


The rest of the day went by smoothly, they didn't really do any work since exams just ended.

"I don't have a bathing suit...." Kaminari said during last period. They were all looking over the packing list.

'I don't have any of this stuff.' Kakashi thought. 'But do we really need all of this?'

"I think we all need to pick some things up." Mina said.

"In that case... why don't we all go to the mall on our free day tomorrow?" Hagakure suggested.

The class all voiced their agreement (other than the few who couldn't go and Bakugou who didn't want to go. Kakashi would've declined as well, but there was stuff he needed to buy.) and plans were made.


"The Kiyashi-ward shopping mall!" Mina bounced up and down. They entered the mall and were immediately bombarded with people trying to sell them things and others who remembered them from the sports festival.

Soon, they split off into groups. Kakashi ended up going with Kaminari, Iida and Hagakure.

"So! What do you need to buy?" Hagakure asked.

"Everything, actually." Kakashi replied.

"Okay, shoes first then!"

Hagakure ended up dragging him all around the mall because, "Too much is better than too little!"

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