Chapter 4 - Spiral

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Y'all have no idea how much I want this fic to end.

I'm kinda curious, how old do you guys think I am?

Kakashi's skin was pale from lack of exposure to sunlight. Despite all the time he and Obito had spent in the countryside, the amount of light that actually reached their skin was little to none. He was exhausted. A bone deep tiredness that settled 3 months into their mission and only dragged him down further as the months moved on. 

Their survival throughout the last month of the mission had been solely out of desperation. The need to at least sleep a full night before their inevitable deaths. 

He was tired. 

The mission was a success, at least. 

That was all that mattered, right? The mission. The job at hand. 

No one cared about anything else and Kakashi wasn't going to complain, he couldn't complain. He'd signed up for this knowing full well that this might be the nail in the coffin for him. He went into the mission already prepared for any breath he took to be his last. 

Obito... wasn't ready for that. 

His months away had allowed him to look at the world in a new light, it allowed a bit of hope back into his life and for that, Kakashi was thankful. 

Though Obito's look on the world had regained some colour, Kakashi's only darkened as the months dragged on. 

He was expecting a lot of things when he got back. 

So many prefectures had been retaken while they were gone. Not only in the north, thanks to their efforts, but in the south too. 

Which was why, when they returned to Tokyo, Kakashi was stunned when he found the city preparing for a full lockdown once again. 

This could only mean one thing, he figured. 

The League was on the move. 

Obito looked around and ran a hand through his hair before a hysterical laugh ripped through his throat. 

"Well, I guess this means we won't be getting that break, huh?" 


You'd think that a bunch of heroes who prided themselves on protection would be able to last for a year without the help of 2 teenagers, but then again, Aizawa found himself being surprised more and more as the war raged on. 

When Kakashi returned, he returned how Aizawa expected him. Both he and Obito were more subdued, wary, which was obviously to be expected after having spent a year in a warzone. Aizawa couldn't help but wish that Kakashi and Obito had left with the others. He wished he'd enforced it more. He wished that the government didn't allow children on the frontlines. 

"Kakashi, Obito, welcome back." 

The military base was quieter than it normally was. The more prefectures they managed to take back from the opposition, the more the opposing side began to get desperate. 

Afterall, an enemy with nothing to lose is far more dangerous than one with something on the line. 


Kakashi wasn't expecting a break, not really. 

He expected a week to get checked over by medical staff, give reports, and just... settle. 

2 days. 

He and Obito had 2 days before they would be heading to Kyushu. 

Obito's face had remained stoic but Kakashi knew that it was a facade. 

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