Chapter 2 - Todoroki's Log

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Me rn really wanting to post all the chapters I've stockpiled, but also not wanting to fuck up my nonexistent schedule.

"I'm thinking of letting someone else into our two person group." Kakashi said at lunch.

"Oh yeah? Who would appease you, oh great one?" Bakugou retorted.

"Well apparently you did." Kakashi grinned.

"I hate you." Bakugou mumbled.

Kakashi chuckled, then scanned the crowd. "Todoroki."

"Hm? Half n' Half?"

"Yes. He seems to be good at keeping secrets, plus he isn't as loud as you."

"So you're just going to force him?" Bakugou scoffed.

"I don't think there'll be a need for that."

Todoroki's Log, Entry #558

Bakugou and Kakashi. There's something off about them, could they be related? Long lost brothers? I don't know, but this warrants further study.

Kakashi's Quirk is very strong, unnaturally so. Quirk marriage? Human experimentation? Does he work for the GOVERNMENT?!

They're looking over here. They seem to be suspicious of me. I'll have to tail them.

Todoroki's Log, Entry #559

I've been tailing them and listening in on their conversations for two days, and I'm now sure.

They are 100% related.

Kakashi dyed his hair to avoid being recognized as Bakugou's sibling, he wears the mask for the same reason.

Due to an unfortunate accident when Kakashi was young, he is now missing an eye. After he lost his eye, he ran away from home because he was tired of being coddled and treated like a weakling. "Just because I only have one eye, doesn't mean I'm weak" those were his last words to the Bakugou family.

There was a large police search, and when they found nothing, he was pronounced dead.

Bakugou's mother told Bakugou's father and Bakugou that Kakashi isn't actually a Bakugou! His father is unknown.

While Kakashi was on the streets, he ran into Aizawa, who is his true father, and went to live with him.

To avoid questioning, and to make sure people didn't make any connections, Aizawa changed Kakashi's last name to Hatake!

Oh. They're calling me over. Are they going to tell me their story?

Third POV

"Hey Todoroki." Kakashi waved.

"Bakugou, Not-Bakugou." Todoroki greeted. "I have a few questions for you."

Kakashi decided to ignore the name for now. "Oh really? Well this works out nicely then, because we have something we need you to do."


"Midoriya." Todoroki's eyes widened. "We did some research on him and his Quirk. I think this might interest you."

"Why are you telling me?"

"We're not only telling you, we need you to help us with research."

"You're using my position as Endeavor's son." Todoroki said flatly. "I can access data you can't."

"Yes." Kakashi nodded. No need to beat around the bush. "But you're also quite smart."

"I don't mind really." Todoroki shrugged. "What do you need me to research?"

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