Chapter 4 - Point of View

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Kakashi eventually remembered to summon his ninken, and they all yelled at him. Fair enough.

Once he was finally able to explain the situation to them, they calmed down, and lay with him for a bit.

It was then he realized how much he missed them and all their little quirks... pun intended. He did know that Aizawa wasn't a big fan of dogs though, and decided that whenever he summoned the dogs, he'd do it outside, lest Aizawa chose to lecture him about cats again.

Kakashi was up early, as always, and decided to make breakfast. He used his sharingan because without it, there would be no breakfast or kitchen.

Kakashi was never a fan of traditional breakfasts, they were boring and didn't leave much to the imagination. Which was why, when he researched other countries, cuisine often came up in his searches.

Instead of fish, rice and miso for breakfast, Kakashi made eggs, waffles and sausages.

While he cooked, he had one clone do the dishes and set the table, another do other cooking-related things for him, and another to finish homework.

Halfway through his cooking endeavor (pun intended), Hizashi came downstairs. Kakashi and his clones all stopped what they were doing, and looked up at him at the same time.

Kakashi's never seen a man try to say so much, but speak so little.

Kakashi explained the clones to him after Hizashi calmed himself down, and he laughed.

Aizawa came downstairs as he was finishing the waffles. He looked pleasantly surprised, and Kakashi pretended not to notice the happiness sparking in his chest. He wasn't happy that when Aizawa thanked him, Kakashi noticed that some of the tiredness in his eyes was gone, and his smile wasn't as forced as before. He felt nothing when Hizashi complimented him on the waffles, or accidentally poured too much salt on his eggs. He told himself he felt nothing, but he did.

This will all end, he told himself, it won't last and you know it.

He did know, but he chose not to care.

His ANBU voice was furious, but he felt pleased.

Danzo can go fuck himself.

Somewhere deep in hell, Danzo sneezed, and Kabuto laughed.


Okay, so I don't really know much about Shukaku when he isn't trying to kill someone, so I'm kind of winging it here. If you think he would've said something a different way, let me know.

Shukaku and the boy, Dabi, had fought until they were both tired of it. Sand and fire don't mix well in a fight, apparently, but neither of them cared to stop.

The bar closed, and Shukaku and Dabi walked around together. "So, what's your story?" Dabi asked. "What would you say the genre is? Tragedy, Romance, Gore?"

"Oh gore definitely." Shukaku laughed at the memories of the people he'd slaughtered. "Being a bloodthirsty demon does that to you, at least that's what my siblings say. I think they're full of shit."

"You have siblings?" Dabi wondered.

"Eight assholes, yeah." Shukaku nodded. Part of him wondered if he would ever see them again- not that he missed them. Because he didn't.

He noticed the faint twitch in Dabi's lips, and he assumed he did too. "You?" He asked. Shukaku wasn't the best conversationalist, far from it. So he normally stuck to short answers with a lot of swearing and insulting. It usually kept people away, meaningless conversations.

Dabi's shoulders tensed slightly but he kept walking, Shukaku had to admit, he was quite good at hiding his emotions, but with nothing to do other than look through memories and terrorize, Shukaku had gotten good at reading people. He guessed that maybe now would be a good time to change the subject. But what to change it to? Murder? Arson? Village invasions? While he'd love to talk about those things, he knew very well that other people didn't. Not that he cared. Because he didn't.

And no, he isn't a damn tsundere!

"So where the fuck are we going?"

Dabi stopped walking, and scanned his surroundings. "Hm... another fight club I know." He grinned, and Shukaku couldn't help but smirk.

Just to clear things up, there will be NO romance between Shukaku and Dabi. Light teasing, yes, but it's all platonic. I'm more of a DabiHawks shipper myself. Dunno if I'll include that though... who knows, maybe?


Shigaraki was not happy. Which wasn't really anything special, he was usually unhappy, but today he was especially annoyed. They still hadn't gotten Kurogiri back, and it had been almost a week. Surely Master should have a plan?

But no, now it was just him, Giran and that other guy who stopped by sometimes. Mr... Compress, was it? Probably. Who cares?

Shigaraki wanted to kidnap someone. He just had that kidnapping itch that he got whenever he hadn't done anything for a while. They did have plans to invade Yuuei, but then that brat showed up and fucked things up.

Shigaraki hated him.

The next chance he got, that kid would die.

Maybe there would be a little torture involved? Yes. There would definitely be torture involved.

After all, what was a villain without a little villaining?

Not a villain, obviously.

So Shigaraki robbed a bank.

So Shigaraki killed a few civilians.

So Shigaraki held someone hostage and disintegrated their limbs.

He could've done worse. Besides, that's four less limbs for that dude to worry about, so what's the problem?

That was a rhetorical question. There is no problem.

Shigaraki had yet to test out his newest toys, and he was itching for an opportunity. That's when it hit him like a 400 pound walking monster with an exposed brain and multiple Quirks.

The Sports Festival!

Of course he wouldn't be able to steal a child from within the festival, but since there were going to be so many heroes there, who would be patrolling the streets?

And afterwards, when they're all happy thinking the event went well, he'd steal a child, and everything will be fine again.

But it won't be, and he knows it.

Try as he might, he can't get the words of that damn child out of his head. He seemed so... wise. Like Sensei-no. No one was like Sensei.

But... they seemed too true. Too... real.

The boy was speaking from experience, that much was obvious. Though one had to question how much experience a child had.

He almost felt something close to sympathy. But that would be ridiculous. Because villains don't feel sympathy.

Shigaraki shook those feelings (ew) away and began to start planning. He would spread the word of his plan throughout the underground, and soon, they would have an army.

They would be weak as fuck, but you know what they say: quantity beats quality.

While he was planning, Mr. Compress entered the bar.

Shigaraki showed him his plan, and asked (forced) him to help. Mr. Compress didn't really have a problem with it, he was just a little shit who didn't like following orders.

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