3. I See You

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🦊 F O X 🦊

I sat back slouching in the soft loveseat cushion. Thighs spread out, twiddling my thumbs around each other in my lap trying to take up as much space as possible. The back of my head was leaning gingerly on the headrest. Eyes relaxed shut, whistling a tune that's been stuck in my head for days now. After a few more minutes I started blowing raspberries into the air.

"Ehemm," someone cleared their throat behind me.

"Hi," I said casually, not moving, not really caring to see who joined me.

"You're early, I'm usually the first one here," Fitz' small distinct voice gave him away.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness. Would you like me to leave and come back in a few?" I asked smiling, humor in my voice.

"Har har, real funny guy you are, huh? Where'd you go to clown school?" He shot back.

My eyes widened and I shot up laughing. "I've got to give it to you pretty boy, I did not expect that much sass from you. Color me impressed!" I turned around to see his face.

"Wow..." I huffed out. He was bright red, smiling at me. His dazzling smile lit up his face, green eyes shimmering with mirth. He was glowing! Even more pretty now than when he's being all quiet and shy, "stunning," I whispered between a quiet laugh.

He looked at me, trying to read me I'm sure. He probably doesn't see how attractive he really is. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

He giggled.

"What's are you giggling about?" I asked.

"It's just that you do that," he shook his head to mimic me, "a lot. Like it's a habit."

"Yeah, just trying to clear my head. Shake the crazies away, "I sighed deeply, knuckles rapping on the coffee table with a back and forth motion.

"No way, you're not crazy," he frowned.

"And how do you know?" I asked, feeding into it. Maybe he could convince me because sometimes I definitely feel crazy.

"I can just tell," he smiled sweetly.

"Is that so?" My one eyebrow arching trying to keep a smile off my lips but failing miserably.

"Uh-huh," he nodded, "I have a knack for spotting crazies and you are definitely not one of them," he smiled warmly at me this time, eyes searching mine.

"Okay," I sighed out, "I guess I'll believe you...thanks," I snickered.

Just then, Jace and Milo walked in plopping down on the couch across from me. Milo was talking to Jace about bunnies in the garden or something. Then Wren came bouncing in, he grabbed Fitz's hand on the way over to the other matching loveseat in the room. Connor, Bryce and Vance came strolling in talking in hushed voices. Vance went to a single chair to the front of the room, Connor sat next to Milo on the couch. That means the last available seat was next to me. I moved my legs together and shuffled closer to the armrest, Bryce nodded a thanks in my direction and came over to sit next to me.

As he sat down, that's when it hit me. Holy fuck he smelled good. Tom Ford 'Noir'. He smelled devine and almost...familiar? I was actively sniffing the air near him. I face palmed. What is wrong with me? I shook my head and sat up straight. I peeked a glance at Fitz and he was smirking at me. What if he knows? What if he tells on me? My stomach tuned over at the thought.

Vance was gearing up to talk, so I pulled myself together enough to pay attention to what he had to say.

"Well, firstly I would like to formally welcome Fox to the house on everyone's behalf," he flashed a bright smile my way while I heard various sounds and noises of agreement from the others.

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