11. Stalling for Time

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🦊 F O X 🦊

Flashback - 5 years ago:

"Come on, Fox!", my shoulders were vibrating as I was being shaken awake. "It's time." Aiden whispered in my ear.

Aiden has been plotting and planning this middle-of-the-night heist for weeks now. Ever since he saw Ethan, the gangly night guard walking around; shoving Oreo's and other various junk food in his big mouth, he's been determined to sneak into the guards office to raid his snack drawer.

We weren't allowed junk food or sweets of any kind, the only dessert we were allotted was the lime flavored sugar free jell-o that they served with our nightly dinner.

Aiden complained incessantly about our food options. He thought it was unfair. He always argued that just because we liked dick, it didn't mean that we had to suffer crap food.

When I first arrived in Hell, what Aiden and I liked to call the Institute, he was assigned as my tour guide. We pretty much hit it off from the start. He told me what not to do, who to stay away from, how to act.

So, being a dumb fourteen year old friend, I told him that I would be his lookout.

He grabbed my hand.

First mistake - Absolutely NO TOUCHING Allowed. It was plastered on memo's throughout the halls.

He pulled my tired body out of bed and out of the room he snaked his way out of the bedroom into the stark white halls that were illuminated with fluorescent lighting.

I blinked rapidly, trying to rid the sleep from my eyes. He was pulling me and I tried to keep up but my legs weren't quite working yet; I stumbled into him, we fell and I landed on top of him. His glasses going askew.

Second mistake - we were laughing. Not loudly, more like giggling and chuckling. Dumb fourteen year olds.

I didn't notice right away when Aiden's body went rigid and he stopped laughing. He pushed me off of him and I landed on my side. That's when I noticed another boy standing there. He was clearly our age, round pimply face, dark brown hair. His face was red, his lips turned down in a beastly scowl.

"What do you think you're doing out here?!" He spat out.

Third mistake - Don't poke the bear. Or a Rat in this case.

Lesson now learned.

"Don't you have eyes. We are clearly fucking." I snipped back.

I could hear Aiden suck in a ragged breath. "NO!" Shaking his head vehemently. "Fox is just kidding. He's an idiot. We were just headed to the...to the..." he said as stumbling to find a plausible excuse.

"The communal room...I couldn't sleep so we decided to play a game of cards...", I tried to save my idiotic self.

"Liars!!" I could see how white his knuckles turned as he gripped his fists tighter. "I should beat the shit out of you right now just for lying to me. Not only were you fraternizing...but now you're lying."

He was seething, he raced towards me, Aiden jumped in front of me as a shield. He was thrown against the wall, his glasses skidded to my feet."

It happened so fast after that, fist flying hair being gripped tight while he held Aiden in place. Blood... Just so much blood.

And then it was over.

I was running for help, screaming for someone, anyone!

I was jerked out of my thoughts by Bryce stirring next to me. "Hey," his deep morning voice called out, "have you slept at all, love?

I sighed out and shook my head.

"What's going on, Fox? What really happened out front last night?"

Just then, Wren burst through the door, "Zane is gone. No one's seen him since last night." His eyes wide, "What about you guys?"

Oh shit.

"No, we've been in here," I squeaked out.

Bryce sat up, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Come on guys, let's go downstairs."

I got up and tossed him his clothes from last night.

As we arrived in the living room, everyone was already there and waiting for us.

I walked over to the empty seat by Jace and plopped down on the loveseat.

"What the hell, Fox! What happened to your face?!"

Oh shit.

I completely forgot that my face looked like it was attacked by an angry possum. I touched the side of my head and winced. Yeah, that shit hurt.

"Fox says he tripped and landed on his face last night." Bryce seethed out.

"So that's what happened to you last night?!" Connor yelled out.

"OK guys, calm down please." Vance appealed to the two.

"So....let me get this straight, Zane has been missing since last night and you look like you got in a fight, but actually fell, and this all occurred last night?" Vance's eyes sliced through me, they held me in place. I couldn't look away.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!

I roughly cleared my throat. "Can I get some water?" Hoping to buy some time.

"Fitz?" Vance said.

Fitz got up, I could hear his every move. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He went over to the cabinet. Opened the door. Took down cup. Shut the door. Walked over to the sink. Turned on the faucet. Filled the cup. Walked back into the living room.

He stood in front of me with the cup held out. As I reached out to take it, he had a small smile on his lips.

"Thanks Fitz." I rasped. Throat dry, I swallowed thickly.

Bringing the shaky glass to my lips, I started to gulp it down. Slow gulp after slow gulp.

When the glass was empty, I leaned forward and set it down in front of me on the coffee table.

What now.

Bringing my eyes up to scan the room, all eyes were on me.

I gulped, while looking down and pulling the collar of my shirt from my neck.

"Fox..." Vance implored. "Can you tell me what happened to you last night?"

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "Well..." I refused to lie to them. Maybe I can just skip a few parts and it'll be OK. Yeah it'll be fine. "after dancing I was hot so when Connor and I came inside for some water, I decided to go outside for some air. I tripped over my stupid feet and fell on the concrete steps." I huffed out gesturing to the side of my face.

I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest.

There, I said it.

"Thank you for sharing, Fox. Did you happen to see Zane after you and Connor got split up?" Vance questioned.

Oh shit.

I'm not going to lie, I promised myself.

"Yes." I whispered.


"And what? I did see him."

"Can you tell me where you saw him? Did you talk?"

"Bathroom door. And yes"

"Elaborate. Please."

"Ok..." I breathed in.

Here goes nothing.

The Centre - a Home for Fox (bxb+/poly)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora