10. I'm Right Here

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🦊 F O X 🦊

"OK boys, let's go!" I closed my notebook where it held the list titled Steps to WBZ (Win Back Zane). First on the list was:

1. Group exercise

I slipped my headband on and led the guys to the living room where we were to have our morning group session.

⚫️ V A N C E ⚫️

Fox strutted into the living room with Wren, Milo and Fitz hot on his heels. They were wearing matching black short shorts, thin white v-neck tees with neon sweat headbands that matched their knee high socks and black athletic sneakers. They had workout equipment in their hands. From what I could see, they had small orange cones, hula-hoops, bean bags, rings and a balloons.

They must've raided the attic at some point.

What were these boys up to?

Jace whistled, Bryce's one brow raised with small smirk on his handsome face, Connor grinned from ear-to-ear and Zane's mouth dropped when he looked up. He even slightly smiled, then hung his head again....hmmm....

"What's going on Fox?" There was no doubt in my mind that he was the ring leader for this charade.

He clapped his hands, "All right guys, listen up," he bellowed. "Let's bring group outside to do some exercises, get our blood pumping!" He exclaimed. He looked at me, "That is, if it's alright with you?" His eyebrow raised in question, an adorable pout on his lips.

I looked at the boys sitting down, they seemed very interested.

Alright, I'll bite.

"Sure Fox, give us 5 so we can change and we'll meet you boys out back." I chuckled, standing up and clapping their shoulders as I passed them. The others that were sitting got up to follow suite.

Surprisingly, Zane got up on his own accord as well.

After a few minutes, we met them outside. The yard was transformed into some type of silly obstacle course.

"Listen up!" Fox hollered. He went through the rundown of what to do and where to start and finish. He put us in teams of two and said that we'd be timed.

Fitz was with Connor, Fox with Bryce, Wren with Zane and Milo with Jace. He explained that the winner would go against me because I was the fittest one here so it wouldn't be fair.

I was in charge of the stop watch as well, because I was the only one that could be trusted with it as well.
Alrighty then.

I watched as they competed against each other. They were cheering on their teammates, yelling obscenities at the opposing ones. They were all smiles. Even Zane was fully participating and laughing with the other boys. Wren was beaming. His smile wide. Fox kept sneaking glances at them and when Zane wasn't looking, he'd exchange thumbs up signs with Wren.

It seemed to actually be working.

🦊 F O X 🦊

Step one in the WBZ mission was a complete success. Wren was ecstatic, he couldn't keep the smile off of his face even if he tried.

He and Zane won from the four teams so it was now down to the face-off with Vance.

"Sir, you're so going down!" He yelled out, giggling.

They lost.

By 8 seconds.

⚫️ C O N N O R ⚫️

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