14. Game Time

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🦊 F O X 🦊

I woke up, not in my bed, but on Vance's leather reclining chair in his study. Groaning, I got up and stretched, my muscles ached from the weird position I slept in.

"Morning, sleepy head." Vance chuckled behind me.

"Mmmm...morning." I said behind a yawn. I rubbed my eyes wiping the sleep away.

Freshly showered and sitting at his desk, shuffling through papers, He looked up at me with those piercing eyes of his, "Wren stopped in a short while ago. He said that breakfast will be ready soon. French toast casserole. Why don't you go get cleaned up beforehand."

"OK," I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, "last night was amazing. Thank you."

"No, thank you." He pulled me by my shirt down and kissed the side of my neck below my ear, "See you soon, Fox." He growled lowly, lips brushing my lobe.

I had an instant erection. Damn him.

Walking to my room, I passed by Zane. I wanted to say something to him. I just wasn't sure what.

Hesitantly, I waved and smiled at him. "What up?"

What up? Really...?!

"Just going down to breakfast," he smiled.

He smiled!!

"OK!", I was now grinning ear-to-ear. "See you there!" I yipped out, face beet red.

Wowza...I am the smoothest motha' fucka' here. I mentally face palmed.

Dashing into my room, I rushed to get ready for breakfast.

After the quickest shower and teeth bushing I have possibly ever achieved. I threw on some clothes and made my way down to breakfast.

Walking in to the dinning room, everyone was already seated. I grabbed a chair in-between Fitz and Jace. Loading my plate with the delicious casserole, "This looks amaaaazing, Wren!" I praised.

"Thanks, babe" he grinned and winked at me from across the table.

"Well...you look thoroughly debauched", Jace chuckled next to me.

"Huh?" My one eyebrow raised, lips around the twines of the fork.

"Your shirt's on inside-out and backwards, not to mention the huge hicky on the side of your neck." Jace smiled slyly while pointing to my neck with his fork.

My hand shot up to my neck, "What?", my eyes found Vance's. He was smirking at me.

That bastard.

"I meant to wear my shirt like this." Shrugging my shoulders, "It's what's in these days, you old man!"

"I'm 22, Fox, hardly old". Jace said while laughing, along with everyone else at the table.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now leave me alone so I can eat!" I huffed out. A grin on my lips.

Clearing his throat, "I was thinking we could all go to the basketball court today at the local park." Connor suggested.

Bryce, Jace, Vance and Zane all readily agreed.

"All of us?" Fitz questioned. "I wouldn't be any good." He pouted.

"Of course Fitz, you can be on my team. We'll kick ass!" Connor hollered.

"OK, as long as I'm on your team!" Fitz beamed, a huge smile on his adorable face.

— — — —

At the park, we split into two teams.

Connor, Zane, Jace, and Fitz were on one team.

Me, Bryce, Vance and Milo were on the other.

Wren wanted to sit out and be the scorekeeper/cheerleader.

"We're shirts, your skins!" Milo yelled over to Connor.

Oh shit.

My head snapped over to Zane. He noticeably stiffened once he heard Milo call out.

Connor, Jace and Fitz were already removing their shirts. Zane was standing there like a deer in headlights.

What to do, what to do? This is so bad!

"Hey Zane!!" I jogged over to him taking my shirt off on the way. "Switch with me!" His brows shot up in surprised relief.

I yelled out back towards my team, "I want to see Vance's face when we beat your guys' asses. Payback for marking me last night!", I eyed Vance pretending to scowl at him.

"OK, yeah..." He nodded his head and gave me a small smile while patting my back, he leaned into my ear, "Thanks, Fox", as he jogged over to the other team.

"Aw come on, Fox. No hard feelings! I don't even remember doing it!" Vance yelled to me.

"Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses!" I wisecracked.

— — — —

The score was 30 and 32.

My team lost.

But it felt good, all the guys were getting along. Even Bryce and Zane were joking around and coming up with plays for their team.

Vance jogged up to me, while I swiped the sweat off my forehead with my tee-shirt. Dropping my hands to my knees and lowering my head down, I was almost hyperventilating.

"Sorry, Fox." Looks like your 'payback' fell short." He eye'd me with amusement.

"Ha ha..." rolling my eyes, "We almost won!" I gasped out. Chugging water. "We would have, if I made that 3 pointer..." I trialed off, "sorry guys." I nodded over to Connor, Jace and Fitz.

"No worries, Fox! It was a close game!" Fitz stood next to me. Looking worse for wear. Beet red and pouring water over his head.

"Let's go get some grub!" Bryce called out. "I'm ravenous!"

"Yeah, you are...", I winked at Bryce while high-fiving Jace.

⚫️ Z A N E ⚫️

We were in the game room after dinner.

Bryce and Connor were playing air hockey. Wren and Milo were playing some game on the PlayStation. Fitz, Jace, Vance and I were at the pool table. Fox ended up being my teammate. I was just about to take my shot when Fox and Jace started dancing like crazy and then singing, "Hey, hey, hey..."

Jace grabbed the remote and turned the speakers up to max level.

"Whatcha got to say?
Said, hey hey hey
Whatcha got to say?
Hollywood, Hollywood swinging
Hollywood, Hollywood swinging

Say I remember
Not too long ago
I went into a theater, baby
I saw the Kool and the Gang show
I always wanted
To be in a band
To sing my songs
And be a bad piano playin' man
So here I am
In this Hollywood city, yeah
The city of the stars, women, music, and cars
I guess I guess I'll be a star

Say, hey hey hey
Whatcha got to say?
Said, hey hey hey
Whatcha got to say?
Hollywood, Hollywood swinging
Hollywood, Hollywood swinging"

I propped myself on the table. Ass on the ledge, legs crossed at the ankle and took in the show.

Fitz joined Jace and Fox around the pool table dancing. Milo and Wren were still by the TV, using the controller as mic's and grinding on each other. The rest of us were watching.

Vance walked over to me, "Like what you see?" His brow raised in question.

"You know the answer to that...How could I not?"

"Then why are you holding back?"

I stood up, "I'm not."

"Oh, yes you are. You, me and everyone else in this room know you are." He sighed out. "What are you waiting for?"

I rubbed my hand on my face up to my hair. Puffing out air from my lips, "I...just, I'm sc..."

Just then, a loud Yelp cut through the room. Bryce picked Milo and Wren up, threw them over his shoulders and ran upstairs, laughing the whole way.

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