7. The Calm

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⚫️ V A N C E ⚫️

The days were passing by smoothly, if not effortlessly. Fox fit seamlessly into our little family and we were all happy to have him. He was quirky, caring beyond belief and stunningly gorgeous. He burrowed into our our hearts and staked his claim instantaneously. Especially with Bryce. They formed a tight mutual bond over their dreadful past and confided in one another when they were having trouble coping. They were lucky to have found one another again.

The atmosphere in the house was electric, we had a great routine. We worked hard and played even harder.

Unfortunately, I had to break some rather worrisome news to the boys today and I was unsure how they would react.

When Wren and Zane first came to The Centre, Zane was incredibly standoffish, he had demons in his past that, fortunately, Wren never had to endure. That's why it was so easy for Wren to open up to us and let us in to love him. With Zane, it's been like pulling teeth. He pushed us so far away that the other boys gave up on him.

The night of the 'accident' scared us to the core, and we all were able to breathe a little easier and sleep a little sounder knowing that he was somewhere getting the help he so desperately needed. He was withdrawn, keeping to his room, would only allow Wren in and would only eat when Wren brought him his meals. We all tried desperately to welcome him into the home but he kept fighting us every step of the way. The boys were discouraged and saddened that they couldn't get through his impenetrable outer shell.

For the past 9 weeks, Wren and I have been visiting Zane every Saturday. He's been opening up to me slowly, a little more each time we visit, but even then I'm unable to break his tether to the torment he holds inside. He has such a beautiful broken soul but I'm afraid it's more broken than anything else at the moment.

Even though he's been opening up to me, and we've built up a bit of a report, I'm fearful of how his presence will affect the delicate balance that we've worked so hard to achieve over the past few months here at the The Centre.

With Zane's discharge from the hospital this afternoon, I called a group meeting for 10 o'clock and it's now 9:45. I'm in my study trying to think of the right words to break the news to the boys.

Wren's been unusually silent and withdrawn this past week after finding out the news that his stepbrother would be released into my care today and I've been keeping a close eye on him.

I was pleasantly surprised when he and the other younger boys made love a few days ago. He desperately needed that release and it brightened his mood for the past few days. Fox has a special way of bringing you to new heights in the bedroom that you never knew you could get obtain.

After rehashing the beautiful memory of seeing their deliciously naked bodies stacked up on top of each other while Fox was working them from behind to the brink of unconsciousness, I figured I'd wasted enough time ruminating and pensively stood up, taking my now tepid coffee with me to the living room.

We all arrived in the living room about the same time. I sat down in my chair and waited for everyone to get situated and comfortable.

Jace and Milo curled up in the loveseat across from me. Bryce and Fox went to the other loveseat to my right, Bryce's arms snaked around his shoulders pulling him in close. Fitz, Connor and Wren went to the couch across from them, nuzzling up to one other.

I took a moment to really look at them, they were all so beautiful. Each striking in their own special way. They fiercely loved each other and it showed in the way they looked, talked and gently touched one another. I was proud of what I have accomplished since the founding of The Centre, and while watching them I resolved to help Zane to the best of my ability.

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