18. All of Me

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🦊 F O X 🦊

He stood there, broad shoulders back, strong arms out to his side, head back, chin to the sky.

He was captivating.

He was a work of art.

He was a gift.

The room was silent, while we sat there and took in the sight of Zane's shirtless body.

Over the ridges and dips, grooves of hard and soft skin, was a mosaic. Vibrant ink like a tapestry coating his skin. His damaged skin that looked so, so beautiful.

He slowly turned around in a circle and then lowered his arms.

"Wh...when did you do this?" I stuttered out.

"When we go into town on the Tuesdays and Thursdays during the week for our doctor's visits." He explained, "My appointments are so much earlier than yours and Bryce's. I told you guys that I was waiting for you during your doctor appointments at the coffee shop but I was actually in the tattoo parlor above the shop." He looked nervous. "So?..."

"It's amazing!" Milo beamed at Zane. "I love animals! You have my favorite ones too! A bunny, a Fox, a wolf and a bird!"

I looked at Zane's body again. Huh.

"They represent you guys actually..." he pointed to each animal as he talked about it, "of course I have a wren, for Wren"

Wren beamed, "Oh wow, it's so cool, Zane! Thank you.

Zane winked at him, "Of course, baby bird."

He moved on to the next one, the wren was sitting atop, "A Wolf for Connor, his namesake, lover of wolves."

"That's badass Zane!" Connor's eyes wide with fascination, "Now I want more tats, man."

Zane nodded, "We can go together next time, I still need to do some finishing touches, I can set you up with the artist, she's really cool and down to earth."

"Yeah, absolutely!" Connor exclaimed.

Zane continued, pointing to the middle of his chest, "Then there's the Bear for Vance, he's fiercely protective over us, just like a mama bear with her cubs." Zane looked sheepishly at Vance.

We all laughed at that with murmurs of approval.

"Very nice, Zane. And... damn straight I am! But don't go around calling me a 'mama' bear!" Vance laughed out with a mock scowl.

"No, of course not!" Zane laughed back with his hands up in acquiesce.

Sitting on the bears foot, "For the bunny lover, this ones for Milo. Cute and fluffy, just like him." Zane smiled at Milo who was clapping and beaming up at him.

"He's SO cute, Zane! I can't stand it!" Milo squeaked.

Sitting on the bears shoulder, "Here we have a quiet and timid mouse, who represents Fitz."

"Aww, I love him, Zane! He's so adorable." Fitz cooed.

"Just like you are." Zane smiled endearingly towards him.

Pointing to the bear's other shoulder was an owl, "Jace, wise beyond his years. You always see what others can't," he directed to Jace.

"Yeah!", Jace chuckled, "Thanks Zane!"

Zane then took his time to turn around. Looking over his shoulder and through his lashes between Bryce and myself.

It took me a moment to focus on the scene that was sprawled along his broad back. My jaw dropped at the sight.

"I think you all know who the fox is for, with his clever mind and his ability to adapt in most situations." He smiled wanly at me.

"But the Lion is for Bryce because he is full of strength and justice, always ready to kick ass for the better." His smile turned sly towards Bryce.

Bryce nodded in appreciation towards Zane. "No truer words."

"I chose a koi fish for myself, which symbolizes overcoming of obstacles by swimming upstream." He breathed out.

The lion was standing over the fox that was lying down on its belly, with its paw dipped in the bright blue water where the koi fish was swimming. The sun was shining and there were flowers all over.

I rubbed my tear stung eyes and leaned my head on Bryce's leg besides me. He rubbed the top of my head gently. It was perfect.

Vance cleared his throat, the light caught his eyes shimmering from unshed tears. "You must've spent a long time planning this out, Zane.

He turned back around, a fond smile dancing on his lips. "You could say that. I really wanted to have something that reminded me of love; not hate. So when I look at myself, I'm not disgusted or ashamed."

"So...does that mean you're ours now? Wren's eyes were filled with so much hope and love.

Zane brought his hand up to his chin, eyebrows down turned, eyes looking up like he was seriously considering it. "Hmmm...I guess so!" He chuckled, "That is, as long as you'll have me," gesturing to his front, "all of me..."

The room broke out in a cacophony of noises. Zane was attacked by all the guys.

I shot up to run over to him but my legs wouldn't move. I was stuck where I was. Watching how everyone wholeheartedly embraced him. Big bear hugs, soft gentle hugs end every kind in between. His face lit up. No longer the harsh scowl of a broken boy who was in so much pain, he radiated light and warmth.

Bryce approached me and pulled me in, his strong calloused hands cradling my face, his blue eyes searching my brown ones. "I know I asked you before if you were OK and you said yes, but I'm going to ask again. Are you OK, Fox?"

My head nodded slowly, eyes wide, lips mushed together between his palms, "I think I'm in shock..." I muffled out.

He chuckled, eyes bright as his hands went around my waist, squeezing me in his arms and picking me up off the floor with my legs dangling. "God, I love you so much, Fox! You're truly amazing!"

I giggled in his arms, hugging him just as tight back, "I love you too, ya big pussy."

"Oh, you've got jokes now, Foxy?"

He set me back on my feet and started attacking my sides.

"Uncle! Uncle!" I screeched, "stop!!" Laughing the whole time.

I pushed him away and ran over to the crowd around Zane. Pushing my way through, I threw my arms up and around his neck.

"Hey, what up?" He smirked at me with a raised brow.

That bastard.

"Hey you," I smirked right back, leaning in, I brushed my lips against his ear and whispered, "I think I have some bones to jump."

I could feel his body stiffen for a fraction of a second, and then immediately mold around me. Arms encasing my torso, his face nuzzling my neck.

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you saying something like that." His lips brushing the throbbing vein, his hot breath scorching my skin.

"Ngggh", I let out, "will you let me love on this hot and sexy body of yours?"

"Like I said, Fox," he murmured, head lifting to look me in the eyes, "I have a hard time saying 'no' to you."

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