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I open the door to see Rhys standing there, a tired look on his face. I furrow my brows in question. He sighs, and I let him into the room, waiting for him to speak. Az comes in behind me, his large arm wrapping around my waist. Rhys acknowledges him with a nod.

"I need you to consult your spies." He says to Azriel. "We need as much information on this mortal group as possible. As much as I despise Tamlin, I do not hate the people of his Court. I do not want a full blown war, we fought with humans before, let us hope that still means something."

Az nods, squeezes my shoulder and vanishes into the shadows that surround him. My back grows cold from his absence, making me curl up into myself slightly.

"I'm fine." I answer Rhys' unspoken question, rolling my eyes. "Let me help." I tell my brother.

"We lost you once, I can't let that happen again." His voice breaks slightly and I move to grab his arm.

"I'm not lost, not anymore. But I am a survivor and a fighter, so don't you dare tell me to sit this one out." I berate him, stabbing my finger into his chest.

He smirks down at me, "I'd never dream it."

"Sure you wouldn't." I retort. "So," I continue, moving away from him slightly, squaring off my shoulders and tilting my head to the side, "what do you need me to do?" I ask.

"When Az returns we will go to the human representatives, Nesta has sent word, you will be there in my place."

My eyes widen in shock. "Wait, what? Why?"

"I have to deal with the Court of Nightmares. Besides, you seem to be able to talk to Tamlin and Lucien just fine, they'll be with you, and I'm sure Az will be too, whether I want him to be or not." He sighs. "I'll let you know when." He finishes.

I nod in response, mulling it over. "So I have to deal with them because you might kill Tamlin?" I joke, a smirk on my face and an eyebrow raised in my brothers direction. He laughs in response, shaking his head.

"Oh," he starts as he heads for the door, "don't let them kill anyone."

"Hmph. I'd like to see you try and stop that." I laugh as he closes the door, a smile on his face, but worry in his eyes. Hopefully Feyre can ease some of the strain he's under.

It's odd that I need to be going at all if only Tamlin and Lucien are, but I accept that as I was there when it happened I'm technically accountable for the deaths of the mortals too.

And I know how to shut Tamlin up, so that's handy.


A few days later I find myself at the wall, or just the other side of it at least. Tamlin and Lucien either side of me as we wait for whoever these 'representatives' are. Hoping it's not those wretched queens.

After a little while I begin to worry that no one will come, Tamlin begins to get much more fidgety as Lucien and I glance at one another ready to move if Tamlin transforms into the beast people fear. Thankfully, just as I fear he's about to lunge we hear faint footsteps in the distance. As they approach Az winnows in behind me, the shadows almost reaching out for reassurance that I am here, and that I'm okay. I try to hide the small smile on my face, reaching back and squeezing Az's large calloused hands.

When they are finally in front of us they say nothing, the disdain and disgust on their faces obvious, screaming loud and clear. I side glance to Tamlin, hoping that he would begin to speak. After realising he has no intention to I step up and speak.

"Hello," I start softly, not wanting to aggravate them anymore than they already are, "I am a daughter of the Night Court, and this is the High Lord of Spring." I motion to Tamlin. "We are here to discuss the horrible actions of the few mortals who passed into Fae lands with the intention of harm."

We stand there in silence for another minute, the tension coming off of everyone in waves. I sigh and begin again, quickly losing my patience. "Why have you come, if not to speak? It was not our people who intended any harm. Those men killed infants – there is no excuse for that. And by your silence, you must agree."

"It was your people who started a war with ours!" one of the 'representatives' exclaims. I am taken aback for a moment, blinking fast, trying to think of what to say. Luckily Tamlin finally decides to step in.

"That war ended years ago, with many of our people aiding yours. The Night Court included." He finishes, motioning to me. "We don't want war, but we can give you one." He growls, his temper showing through. I step forward, grasping his arm in warning.

"What the High Lord is saying, is that we do not mind our peoples mixing so long as no lives are taken in the process. Those who fled should be punished. Either hand them over, or punish them yourselves, as proof of not wanting a War."

"That is not much of an option, Lady." One of the representative' sneers at me, taking a threatening step in my direction, Az flaring out his wings in response, making the mortal step back again. I move back into Az, attempting to calm him down, but keep my head up high.

"The Fae families got little option regarding their deaths, I don't know why you should." I state strongly. "The War ended, and the Wall was built. Do not be the ones to start another. For you alone will be responsible for all the lives lost. Not us."

Without waiting for a response I turn and begin toward the Wall, Az close behind me, the shadows swarming around the two of us, whispering words I could not decipher. Once we get through the Wall my shoulders sag in relief, and I look up to Azriel in worry. "Did I mess up?" I ask him quietly. He lifts his hand and strokes my cheek, his eyes not leaving mine. "No." he says simply, making me smile a little. He leans in and kisses me softly, his lips brushing mine briefly yet full of meaning.

I briefly look behind, checking that Tamlin and Lucien aren't there, and look back up to Az. "Umm" I bite my lip, averting my eyes, not quite sure how to word what I want to tell him. I look back up and notice him looking at my lips. "Eyes are up, Az." I joke, making him look back to my eyes.

"Uhh. I never said before." He looks at me in confusion, still saying very little, making me even more nervous. "I want you to know, that I accept the bond – I don't know if we have to do something" I feel my cheeks go bright red, "t-that's not what I meant."

Az begins to chuckle loudly and I look down to my feet. Once he stops laughing he lightly grips my chin and tilts my head up, "Thank you. For loving me."

"W-well, love seems like a bit of a stretch." I jest. Then suddenly Az lunges and lifts me up. I squeal in shock and begin to laugh once I see his face, more care free than ever before. Eventually he pulls me into his body, "Is it still a stretch?" He asks, a brow raised in joking question.

"Hmmmm." I say, then wiggle one of my arms free to softly move his hair from his eyes and lean in to kiss the tip of his nose. "Maybe not." I whisper as I lean in for a kiss, which he returns eagerly. I feel his lips form into a smile and pull back for some air, opening my eyes only to realise we are no longer on the edge of the Spring Court. "What about Tamlin and Lucien? The potential war?" I ask him, trying to move out of his grip.

"War can wait." He says lowly, leaning back in for a kiss. I lean back and raise my eyebrows. "Fine." I say, "But if Rhys is angry, I'm blaming you." I smirk, and lean back into him. Happy. Shadows swirling around us, and wings flared. I was home. We were home. 

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