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Everything was so loud. The screaming, the shouting. Everything was so loud, yet so quiet.

It was dark and loud and then nothing. After a while of nothing I knew I was alone. I needed to get out, but I was so tired, so cold, so hungry.



It was quiet. Wherever I was now was quiet. I pried open my eyes and was shocked by the brightness, automatically closing them again.

"Hello?" a male voice says. I know that voice, I think.

I slowly open my eyes again, letting them adjust to the light whilst preparing to defend myself if necessary, despite how achy I felt. As my eyes adjust I look around the large expanse of the room. Everything was gilded in gold and the sun was shining off of every surface. I was lying on a bed. Cauldron! I couldn't remember the last time I had been on a bed.

Wait! The male.

I look over at the large figure, still adjusting my eyes. He was tall and muscular with shoulder length blonde, one could say golden, hair. But it wasn't until I looked at his eyes that I knew who it was. My hand went to my neck, touching a faint scar I knew to be there. Green. His eyes were green.

He stared at me as if in shock. But somehow I knew I was not in any danger. It was never him, not really.

"It's okay." I hoarsely get out, desperately needing a drink. He looks at me in confusion but I can see his self-hatred, his anger.

"What happened?" I ask as he whispers "How?"

I know what he wants to know but I can't even explain it myself. So I go for the brief version. "I remember you." I take a breath, swallowing and taking my time. "There was pain. Then I woke up. Then there were cages and chains." I force myself to say, "then darkness and noise and then no noise but still darkness. And then I needed to get out. I always get out." I began speaking quieter, faster, my voice breaking. No. No weakness. No breaking. "I don't know how I got here."

Spring. That's where I am. Spring.

Then I remembered.

"Sandy" I whisper as if it's a prayer. I look around again but feel myself slowly fading back to sleep.

I hear Tamlin shout at someone. They are afraid, but not as afraid as he is. Then people leave, as I fall asleep once again. Letting the darkness claim me.


Rhys' POV

"Ugh! I'm hungry. Can we go eat yet? I really want waffles, or maybe pancakes. Or cake. I think cake would be..." Cassian cuts off when Mor throws a shoe at him. "No." She looks over to me eyebrows raised and eyes rolled. "Why are we here so early?"

"Azriel heard that there was some commotion in the Spring Court. I thought I'd keep you all updated considering the tensions that there will be at the summit next week." I could really do without the summit next week but it gives our courts a chance to help one another, to grow. And to fix what was broken.

Az appears at his seat at the table at the same time as the food. "Thank the Cauldron" Cassian remarks as he grabs as much food as possible. Just as I'm about to ask Azriel for an update the doors crash open. We all turn to face the intruder, perceiving if they are a threat or not.

I look on and raise my eyebrows in question. "Yes?"

"L-L-Lord Tamlin demands your presence at the Spring Court." States the out of breath, terrified boy.

We all look on in silence. "Demands?" I let out a bit of the darkness, letting loose to show some power. The boy starts to shake in fear.

"P-Please High Lord. If you do not go, I fear what he may do to me or my family." He stutters.

I look back at the table, facing the others, Feyre looking at me in concern. "I'll go alone." I say as I rise. "This won't take long" I state with a sly grin as I vanish before anyone can suggest otherwise, even Feyre - not wanting her to see him so soon.


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­I winnow into the Spring Court and take my time walking to where I presume Tamlin wishes to see me, whilst I ponder why.

I enter his house and shout out to him, making sure he knows I'm here. Tamlin appears, running out of a room and straight to me with a look of astonishment which confuses the Cauldron out of me. "You demanded my presence I believe?"

He stops short and takes a big breath. "You won't believe me unless you see this yourself." He motions to me to follow him. And we stop outside of a large set of doors. I recognise them as that of his own bedroom and I growl. He put his hands up and says quietly. "I don't know how this is possible but you need to know that my sentries found her half-dead and that my healers have done the best they can." He stops to breathe, speaking as fast as possible. "She mentioned cages and chains. Rhysand. She was Under the Mountain. But no one knew so she was left there." He looks at me like I know what he's on about. "Just don't touch her. She doesn't like it." And just before I run out of patience he opens the doors.

I look around the room and see a figure on the bed. He motions me forward and so I begin to walk towards them, cautious but curious, knowing that Tamlin wouldn't want me there unless there was a reason. When I'm close enough to see her I stop short. No. What? How?

"I don't..." I start.

"Pixie" I say, barely above a whisper. And then her eyes open. Her big purple eyes.


I stop breathing. "I'm here Pixie. I'm right here."

She reaches up, slowly, her breathing laboured, and brushes by cheek. Tears. She was wiping away my tears. I gently take her hand. Noticing her scars and place it back by her side, never letting go. "Rest. I'm not going anywhere."

I look over at Tamlin. "Thank you." He simply nods in reply and slowly leaves the room, closing the doors behind him.

I look back down at her sleeping form.

My sister. My little sister. Nyx.


[This is my first ever fanfic so please let me know what you think!!]

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