Leaving the Day Court

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The next morning we rise early, intending to leave the Day Court as soon as possible. We go to say farewell to Helion but see him lounging with other Fae, some male some female, almost all of them partially naked. I awkwardly look up, diverting my eyes from their practically naked forms.

"Having fun?" Rhys jests.

"If only some of you would join us." Helion responds, smiling suggestively at certain members of the inner circle, Az included. I tense up when I notice him looking at Azriel and then furrow my brows in confusion. Why in the Cauldron am I feeling like I want to rip Helion's head off just for looking at Azriel that way?

Trying to ignore my odd feelings I pay closer attention to the conversation.

"Sadly we must leave, but maybe next time." Cassian winks at him, slugging an arm around Mor, who shoves it off quickly with a slight look of annoyance.

My eyes widen in realisation, that this has happened before. I try to keep it to myself but tense again when I see the High Lord looking at me. He smirks in my direction and winks, I glare at him in response when suddenly I hear a low rumble coming from behind me. Azriel pulls me closer into him as if to keep me from Helion's grasp. Confused, I touch his arm, which is now securely placed around my waist, as he begins to burrow his head into my neck. I keep as still as possible, not entirely sure what is going on.

I see Rhys looking over in some sort of shock, I think, keeping a close eye on Azriel's grip on me, with Mor smiling over at us with as huge a grin as Cassian.

After a minute or two Helion lets out a barking laugh, still, no one says anything. Az looks back up and the others look away, a blush rising up my neck. I nod toward Helion, "have fun" and turn to walk back out the way we came, Azriel close behind me.

As we leave the room I bump into a solid wall, "oomph".

I look up and notice that it is the blonde High Lord. Tamlin.

I blink a couple of times.

"I'm sorry"


We say at the same time. He lets out an awkward chuckle as Azriel grabs me by the waist once again.

"Thank you." Tamlin says to me, smiling a little more. I can see that the bags under his eyes seem less prominent today. I simply nod to him with a small smile of my own.

He carries on into the room but just before he walks through the doors I say, "You deserve to heal too."

He turns back to face me with shock on his face.

"Even after what I did?" He asks, unsure of me.

"No one deserves to be left alone, broken and hurting. Feyre was broken and she is beginning to heal. She heals more each day. I hope someday I can heal, even just a little. But you. You deserve it just as much, you just need a little push, and some time."

He stares at me in confusion.

"You're still grieving for your family, for your people, for your freedom and for your love. It takes time. You will never truly stop grieving, but you can live with it. Just be patient. And don't lock yourself away." I smile at him reassuringly, understanding him a little better each time I see his lack of hope etched in his gaze.

I nod and begin to walk away, not realising that the others had all left the room and were waiting anxiously outside, having seen me talking to Tamlin.

"Thanks for not going anywhere." I quietly say to Azriel.

"I'm not going to leave you. You are not alone." He says in response.

Once we get to the others we winnow, leaving the Day Court and returning to Velaris.  

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