Court of Nightmares

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Once we step through the doors Azriel walks over to where Cassian and a beautiful blonde Fae, who looks fairly familiar, stands and I follow but continue up the steps to where Feyre and Rhys are sitting. The room goes silent, if it wasn't already before the doors opened that is.

Rhys stands and takes my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as though to calm my nerves. I turn leisurely to face the Night Court. I look at them, unsmiling, taking in everything that I am seeing, trying to look as uncaring as possible.

"It's not possible" I hear someone mutter. Suddenly the room is alive with questions, all looking at me in awe and confusion, their attention no longer on the food and drink available, or even on Rhys and Feyre, but on me.

The room flashes black and people begin to scream before Rhys lets the light back into the room. People had fallen to the floor as if to rest underneath the darkness. Feyre and Rhys both smirk a small laugh coming from them.

"You were saying Keir." Rhys says. Obviously, I'm missing something, but I continue to act nonplussed. "H-how? B-but she's? Your?" the male, Keir, stutters. I look down at him, simply because the steps give me some hight leverage, and raise an eyebrow in question. He continues to stare, mouth wide open as if unsure if I were real. I send out some of my power to shut his jaw, his breath was slightly nauseating.

I cock my head slightly, the room remaining deathly silent as Keir decides what to do next. He tips his head down showing who here has the power, I turn around the train of the gown hitting him in the face. I grimace, feeling a little bad, knowing that only Rhys and Feyre can see my facial expressions. I go and take a seat on one of the large throne-like seats that are there. Knowing that usually one would be for Rhys and the other for Feyre but taking one anyway just for the Court of Nightmares reaction.

I sit up tall, observing the hall as Rhys moves and sits on the same seat as his mate, having her move onto his lap somehow gracefully. Keir slowly approaches the three of us, "My Lady" he says in respect to me, though I somehow get the feeling that he is sneering at me. Not sure how to play this out I blast out some light blinding him, causing Keir to fall to the floor, his hands covering his face as if he was cowering from something and I smirk. Rhys laughs in response, "I wouldn't do anything untoward Keir, she's rather picky with people." The 'Inner Circle', or so Rhys likes to call them, smirking too.

Cassian comes over and whispers in my ear, "one task down, one to go" and winks at me as he walks off. I laugh low, as though he was telling me something that was interesting, looking at Keir as though we were laughing about his predicament.

I look over to Rhys as though bored of the entire situation, knowing that the more anxious I got the more shadows began to appear around me. Looking over to Azriel I notice his proximity to the blonde, Mor, I remember now. She's trying extremely hard to hide her surprise and confusion at my being here and I nod to them.

Rhys coughs, noticing the amount of shadows circling my head, like a wreath, Keir losing all colour on his face. I smirk and gesture my hand for them to continue. "I hear you want to start a coup." I say, my voice quiet but travelling through the entire room. Keir goes deathly pale, even more so than before, if that was possible.

"Uhh..." Keir stammers.

"Now, Nyx, we have no evidence of that." Rhys says looking at me, laughter shining in his eyes.

"No?" I question in response, cocking my head at Rhys, making sure that Keir knew I didn't see him as a threat. "But we can hear his thoughts." I say, looking at him innocently, making my eyes as big as possible. Keir blanches at the thought that I've been in his head as Rhys looks at me with an innocent expression of his own.

"Hmm... You're right. Keir" Keir looks up at Rhys his eyes pleading with him, "explain."

Keir looks flummoxed, not sure what to say. "That's okay" I cut in, "you don't have to explain, we already know."

I get up and walk over to him, crouching down so as to be somewhat level to his cowering stance on the floor from where he fell earlier. "I don't like you."

He seems to shrink into himself at my statement. "I don't like people who try to take what isn't theirs." I lean into him a bit more, "I really don't like liars. Are you a liar, Keir?"

He shakes his head, terrified of saying the wrong thing.

"Wrong answer." I whisper, getting up and walking out of the room, the dress trailing behind me, leaving the others to deal with Keir.

The doors having opened once again at my approach and I continued, knowing that Azriel was following me due to the shadows dancing around my face.

Eventually he caught up, not surprising considering his stride was probably two times the size of mine. I think dying stunted my growth. I smirk at myself as Azriel motions for me to follow him.


Once up many flights of stairs, that I will never make myself climb again, we enter a room with a large dining table covered with food. I go and take a seat, not sure whether the others were particular with it.

"Well that went as well as expected."

Azriel smirks in response. "Do you think it worked?" I ask.

"It at least puts a halt to his plans, knowing that you are powerful enough to come back from the dead probably terrifies him."

"Well it should, it bloomin' terrifies me too." I laugh in response, despite the fact that I don't find it very funny. As if once again sensing my nervousness the shadows almost come to life swirling around me almost so much that I couldn't see through them.

"Ummm... Az?"


"Why do they do that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Sorry." He replies as they seem to fade out. I look over at him and see that he is avoiding my gaze.

"I don't mind. They make me feel more comfortable. I was just wondering why they do it." I say, trying to get him to look up. He slowly raises his head to look at me and is about to reply when there's a bang of the door.

Whatever Azriel did to take the shadows away stopped as they rushed over to me, as if to protect me from the threat, whispering words I couldn't decipher.

"That went well!" Cassian's voice exclaims, as he enters the room following Feyre and Rhys with the others I haven't met behind him.

They all sat down at the table, well all except the blonde one. Mor. Who stands there obviously angry and looks right at Rhys. "Would somebody like to tell me what in the Cauldron is going on?!" 

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