High Tension

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(AN - Thank you for continuing to read this story - I know it starts out rough but it get's better - at least I think it does. Please continue to vote and comment - it means a lot) 

We end up arriving a little late to the Autumn Court, it's partly my fault as I had forgotten how to winnow and had decided that this would be the perfect time to try to re-learn. After several failed attempts I started getting the hang of it and, in many short bursts, eventually found myself at the Autumn Court. Feyre had stayed with me, having only learnt to winnow somewhat recently herself. It was kinda nice not to always be around Rhys and Az, not that I want to be away form them or anything but it was nice to have different company for a change. She told me a bit more about her, about her upbringing and about what happened between herself and Tamlin, as I knew very little of that particular tale.

The others had been waiting for us to arrive as we were to enter as one solid group. I looked over to see Feyre hugging Rhys, smiles on both of their faces. "She caught on quickly." Feyre informs him, smiling over at me. I smile back in response, "Of course she did." Rhys smirks as we begin to make our way into Beron's not-so-humble abode. Az had walked up next to me, behind Rhys and Feyre, his arm briefly brushing my own as we walk, of course he has to slow his usual pace as my legs can't get me that far that fast.

As we get to the outside of the room I quickly drop back to Lucien, having known the horrors he felt when at his own home, the images he sees when he looks at his brothers. I give him what I hope is an encouraging smile as the doors are opened for us to enter. I wish we hadn't entered. It was hard, at first, to understand what was happening, though I soon realised that Beron was openly having an argument with his wife. I couldn't make sense of most of the argument, confused until I hear the mention of Lucien's name, something to do with being ashamed to have to call him his son, one of his heirs. I look over to Lucien once again, placing my had on his arm and giving it a small reassuring squeeze. I see Elaine to begin to walk over, shrugging of Nesta's harsh glare, standing next to him.

"He's not even mine!" Beron shouts. That we do hear. That we all hear. Each and every person in the room stops and stares, Lucien's hands beginning to shake. I remember thinking when I first saw him, Lucien that is, that he could be from the Day Court, piecing the parts together from what I know, my eyes widening in realisation.

"I'm sorry Beron, I didn't think we were here for family drama, could we please continue with the issues at hand?" One of the High Lords interrupts, attempting to break the awkward silence in the room, noticing how tense the atmosphere is.

"What does he mean?" Lucien whispers hoarsely, he is so quiet I'm not sure anyone heard him. His mother stands and makes to leave the room until Lucien moves forward and grabs her arm. "What does he mean?" He says, much louder this time. His mother looks down, but one could not miss the tears in her eyes. "You are my son." She whispers, not daring to look him in the eye.

"And my father?" Lucien asks, horrified that he even has to. No one moved, not even trying to look away. Beron stands and walks towards his wife, a glare seemingly permanent etched into his features. "Yes, pray tell, who is his father?"

"Is this really the time and-"

"Yes!" She is interrupted by both father and son. Though I suppose at the moment it's husband and son.

I know I probably should stay out of it but I cut in, "Does it truly matter? You raised him as your own, that's all that matters."

"Is it? Did I? I was fooled by a wh-"

"Do not talk about her like that." Lucien cuts in, pain obvious in his eyes. "Please, just tell me who?" He looks back down to his mother who sends a barely noticeable look to the other side of the room. If we hadn't all been so riveted, staring at this interaction, it surely would have been missed. But it wasn't. Helion stands, his chair scraping against the floor, a look of shock on his face.

He says nothing, but his actions are enough, causing everyone to turn their gazes onto the man. Lucien looks at him in shock, with what could be described as grief in his eyes. Beron on the other hand turns red and marches over to the High Lord who still stares almost longingly at the son he never knew was his, and the woman he had loved. He quickly averts his gaze once he realises that Beron is upon him, but is too late to stop his fist aimed straight for his face.

Of course in a normal fight not much damage could be done, but these are High Lords. Rhys moves a step closer prepared to step in if necessary. "I didn't know." Helion tries to get in, attempting to stop Beron. "You shouldn't have touched my wife." Beron growls in response. I see a surge of fire in his hands and without thinking I let rip some of my powers, blinding them all. I let the light out, the light of the stars, of the moon, the light that can shine through any darkness, the light I had lost. As I feel them stop in temporary shock I draw the light back in and soothe the room with a little bit of darkness, dimming it slightly. "Sorry." I cough, grimacing a little at what I had done once I saw everyone rubbing their eyes. I bush a little and step back into Azriel's chest, he wraps an arm around my waist as if to anchor me, whilst using the other to rub his eyes just like the rest.

Once they can all see again the room remains silent, the High Lord of the Autumn Court barely reigning in his anger. Lucien lets go of his mothers arm and leaves the room, not saying a word, leaving us all standing there, not knowing what to say. Tamlin makes the first move, walking over to us, still stood near the doorway in a group. He comes up in front of me, "Are you-? I mean, can you-?" He asks me, not specifying what he wants. I squeeze Az's arm around my waist, signalling for him not to argue as I nod in response, knowing what Tamlin is asking. We make to leave the room as I notice Elaine looking somewhat lost. I move over to her and raise an eyebrow, suggesting she come with us, she perks up a little, nodding and following Tamlin out of the room. At least I won't be in the Spring Court alone. If that's even where he went. I look over to Rhys, 'Can you handle things here?' I ask him, not wanting to speak aloud and escalate things accidentally. 'Can't promise I can stop a war but I'll do my best' he tries to reassure me. I send a small nod in his direction as I leave the room, quickly catching up to Tamlin and Elaine.

"He couldn't have gotten far."

"Any idea where?" I ask Tamlin.

"Home." He says. The Spring Court it is. 

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