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Nyx's POV

I peeled my eyes open, aware that I wasn't alone in the room. The light was seeping in around the edges of the drawn curtains, the darkness ebbing away. I slowly sit myself up, looking once again at my surroundings. Spring Court. I remember now.

There's a shuffling sound to my left and I dart my eyes over to it, it's not the same male as before, but for some reason I don't feel threatened. I silently move out of the bed, my legs feeling weaker than I'd like, and go to stand in front of him. Stubble patters his chin like a shadow and there are dark bags under his eyes, his dark hair mussed and probably full of knots. His eye starts to twitch when a piece of hair falls into his face and I reach out to move it.

He jerks awake, standing up with eyes wide. I jump back in a defensive stance, ready if he attacks. He looks straight at me and raises his hands up as a sign of good will, but I don't back down, just in case it's a ploy. 

He's tall. Much taller than me. I look up at him and cock my head. Purple. His eyes. They look like mine. He looks like he wants to say something, keeps opening his mouth and then shutting it again, as though he can't think of what to say. Eventually though he settles on this one word. "Pixie". 

My eyebrows come together in confusion and recognition. Pixie. That was me, right? Wait. "Sandy?" 

A small smile from him answers my question and he comes to hug me. *Crash* I swipe to take out his legs and duck underneath, ending up where he was mere seconds ago with him lying on the floor. He's no longer smiling. 

He looks up at me in shock. "Sorry" I whisper, my throat hoarse from not speaking. "That's okay" he says getting up still with his hands out as if to placate me. "Nice trick." He smirks. 

I'm about to reply when the doors open, and I freeze. Tamlin. Sandy notices my reaction and growls. Like he actually growls. My eyes dart to him for a split second before they land back on Tamlin. "I heard a crash, thought I would see if everything was okay" He looks between us with a measuring gaze. 

"We're fine." Sandy says, putting his hands in his pockets and relaxing his stance. He slowly walks over to me, probably to make sure I don't attack him again, but doesn't take his gaze off of Tamlin. "We're leaving now." 

I look up at him. Leaving? To where? He holds out his arm in offering. I look over to Tamlin and then back down to the arm, and then up to look Sandy in the eyes, the question obvious on my face. "Home, Nyx. We are going home." 

I blink. Home. Without a word I grab onto his sleeve, my eyes never leaving his. He looks down at me, smiling softly, and then the light changes, it's softer. I blink, my eyes adjusting as I look around the room.

"Welcome home."


I look around the quaint little house, not sure what I was expecting. I don't recognise it though. "Well," he says "it's not the home you might know but it's home none the less." He looks a little embarrassed. I look up at him and give him a small smile of reassurance. 

"Feel free to look around. I told the others that they'd have to stay else where for the time being." I look up at him at the mention of others. But his smile puts  me at ease. "I thought you'd want to settle before meeting them." I nod in response. 

"Come on. Let me show you your room." I follow him up the stairs where he points out the different rooms and starts to tell me about his 'Inner Circle'. He doesn't stop talking until we get to the room that is for me to rest in. "This is your room." I stay in the doorway just staring. 

It is well furnished, with a small writing desk, large comfortable looking bed and large bay windows with a window seat surrounded by book shelves and covered in cushions. "If you want another room..." he leaved off. "No. I like this one." And I step inside, running my hand over the bed, feeling the soft fabric of the sheets and I make my way over to the window. I look outside, onto the street and beyond. People milling about, the sun covered by clouds, flowers blooming.

"Home" I say, a small smile on my face. 


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