Day Court

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We arrive in the Day Court where we are led to Helion Spell-Cleaver in his lavish 'home'. It was bright and gaudy, covered in golden ornaments glistening in the sun as it shines through the windows.

Rhys and Feyre go up to Helion, making snarky comments I'm sure. I stand next to Az and continue to survey my surroundings. Helion definitely liked things to look expensive and over the top, I mean who has a chaise in the middle of a room that is otherwise empty? I pay attention to the guards that are placed at the doors just as I have done since we arrived in the Day Court.

Eventually I turn my gaze to the High Lord of the Day Court himself. Noting how his amber eyes offset against his dark hair and skin almost matching the golden crown ornamenting his head, a bit like rays of sunshine. I catch him looking over at Mor, Azriel and Cassian, smirking suggestively in their direction which oddly enough made me feel angry, like I wanted to punch him in the face. Az's shadows appear once again around me, taking the edge off.

Feeling more confused than anything I turn and walk to one of the windows looking out over the Day Court below.

"... she?" I catch the end of Helion's question but don't bother to turn around, opening the window to feel the fresh breeze. Well, I had hoped it would be a fresh breeze, but I was wrong. Someone comes over behind me and closes it, making me tense up and turn around, drawing a knife from my sleeve that I hid earlier. I look up as I spin around and come face to face with Helion, the knife pointed at his abdomen. He looks at me in awe and confusion, as though I'm not meant to be here. We stand frozen until I hear a gasp and guards are suddenly rushing towards us. They try to grab me but fail miserably as I move out of their way and trip them, grabbing their weapons, which were large spears probably made out of gold considering the weight of them.

I begin to weave in and out of the guards reaches, knocking as many of them unconscious as possible, limiting any chance of actually being hurt, after a few have them have fallen to the floor, my hand behind their heads so as not to give them permanent damage as they land unceremoniously in heaps. I can hear growls in the distance and hear Helion shouting at the guards to stop. Eventually they all back away from me as I move, without realising it, to put my back towards Azriel.

I feel him stepping closer to me as the shadows encase me in a cocoon of silent whispers. Through the slight gaps I notice the darkness emanating from Rhys, the fire encircling Feyre and see that Cassian and Mor have taken defensive stances in front of me.

Helion raises his hands in innocence, "What?" he turns to Rhys and smirks, "We both know I'm not a threat."

Not sure myself what he means by that they all seem to calm down, well all but Az considering the shadows continue on with their cocoon.

Helion turns to look at Azriel, an eyebrow raised, not saying anything as he waits for the shadow singer to calm. He doesn't.

"Az." I whisper gently, fitting in well with the shadows encasing me, reaching my hand back and catching one of his. The shadows begin to dissipate until only a few are left, floating between the both of us. The others continue to watch us in silence until Helion whistles appreciatively, much like Cassian had done in the Illyrian war camp.

He nods his head in my direction and says, "Where'd someone as pretty as you learn to fight like that? Bet you're interesting in other strenuous activities too." Raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Az and Rhys growl at him as I continue to stare at him, giving nothing away. It's only then that I realise that I am still holding Azriel's hand, feeling his grip tighten as Helion grins.

"When are the other High Lords arriving?" Feyre interjects, removing the attention from me back to her, I dip my head slightly in thanks, still not taking my hand from Az's. I unconsciously rub my thumb over the scars that I can feel attempting to soothe them away and he squeezes my hand again.

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