The Glow of the Moon

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(AN - Sorry for not updating for a while, I had to try and figure out where I wanted the story to go so let me know if you have any suggestions and thank you for sticking with me :D )

It has been a week since I followed Elaine to her safe haven. A week of odd glances aimed my way whenever Az was with me, and even when he wasn't.

These looks were different to the ones I was given before. I couldn't quite place them, but they weren't bad, I guess.

What was even more annoying was the fact that everyone seemed to know something I didn't. Though I suppose if I really wanted to know I could use my daemati abilities.

Truth is, I wasn't sure I was ready to know whatever it was that they were keeping from me. I was getting more comfortable around my brothers 'Inner Circle' and was actually enjoying my time in Velaris, wandering around, with Az almost always with me. We didn't talk all that much, but it was a comfortable silence.

"Knock Knock." A voice comes through the door, as they twist the handle. Mor. Our cousin for all intents and purposes. I smile at her slightly as she enters the room. She's sometimes a bit too happy for me to deal with, but I know that that's just how she copes with her past, I'm just not quite there yet.

"Rhys wants to see you downstairs."

I nod and follow her down to Sandy, whilst wondering why he asked Mor to come and get me when usually he would ask me himself.

As we enter the room, I notice that it's just Feyre, Rhys, Cassian and Az. "Where are the others?" I question quietly as Cass and Mor leave the room, shutting the door behind them. Of course, this is after Cassian gives me one of his signature smirks along with a quick wink.

"They have their jobs to be doing, they do work for me you know." Rhys says jokingly, but I could see the tension in his shoulders as he stood up from the desk and made his way over to Feyre who was lounging in the corner with a book.

Az must have noticed the tension too as he was suddenly right next to me, the whisps of shadows caressing my arm, as though just to show that they were there. Not that this ever bothered me before, but I was still curious to know why they did this, I had done some reading on shadow singer – not that there was much – but nothing like this was ever mentioned.

"What is this?" Az says, his rich voice causing the shadows to move jerkily, as though they didn't expect the sound.

"We've had letters, from the Courts." Rhys says as Feyre stands and places her arm on his in a calming gesture. I tense up, not sure what this means, or what it has to do with me.

"Some simply wrote to congratulate you on your return to us." Sandy continues, "Some were for potential alliances" he says cautiously, looking more at Az than me. I hear him growl as he wraps an arm, and wing, around me, pulling me into his chest. I freeze, unsure what to do as I think I hear Az growl, "Mine." Not sure on why he reacted so strongly I remain rigid, not wanting anything to happen, waiting for him to calm slightly.

His voice was so deep and imbedded into the guttural growling noise that I couldn't be sure if I heard him right.

"Of course, I said no." Rhys says, as though to appease Az, but his hold only seems to get tighter. I look up, seeing the bottom of Az's chin and move my hand out slightly, brushing his wing to distract him. This seemed to have the opposite effect than I had hoped as he pulled me in even tighter, causing me to gasp for air. He realised this quickly though and loosened his hold before moving his head down to my neck, resting it there and taking in deep breaths.

I nod over to Rhys, signalling for him to continue.

"However, to appease some of the Courts, something must be done. This past week you've been getting more used to using your abilities once again, as well as walking with your wings." I nod in confirmation, still not entirely sure where this is going.

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