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Maeve stumbled out of her chair, and in that split moment, Fenrys had Rowan and Connall up, yanking them by the collar. 'Run,' he ordered, voice terse. They hesitated, and Fenrys bared his teeth. The echo of his snarl hadn't even faded before they pelted out of the room with Enya and Sam, wounds still bleeding freshly.

Aelin knew it would have hurt their pride to turn away from a fight, but it had to be done.

Maeve stood shakily, holding moon-white fingers to her ruby-stained cheek. Fenrys' strike had cut so deep that her flesh was unable to heal. Aelin watched it knot, then split open again.

Rather than angry, she just seemed... stunned. Maeve was unable to speak, and she simply stood there, staring mutely at Fenrys.

Her beauty also made her seem... innocent.

Fenrys stared back, chest rising and falling. His eyes were filled with hate and a sadness that Aelin understood.

Arobynn had been the closest comfort, the closest to a father that she'd ever had, despite everything. And she knew that in Fenrys, there was a part of him that regretted all this.

Why did you help them? Maeve's voice drifted through the silence.

Silver lined his pained eyes. 'I did what was right.'

Betraying me? That's what's right? Your princess over your queen?

Fenrys gritted his teeth. 'You aren't my queen.'

'Fenrys...' Aelin began.

Maeve's eyes narrowed, A darkness rose from the queen, shadows like smoke spreading, ready to strike.. You think I'm going to let you go that easily?

This time, Fenrys' voice was clear and firm as he said, 'I don't intend to leave, Maeve.'

Maeve's eyes widened ever so slightly in shock; but those dark waves receded slightly. Oh?

Aelin stared. 'Fenrys, what-'

'Free Rowan and Connall from the blood oath, and I'll stay.'

Aelin screamed, 'FENRYS!'

He ignored her.

Beg, came a malicious whisper. Beg me.

Without hesitation, the Fae male dropped to his knees, touching his forehead to the ground. Never in his life had Fenrys Moonbeam ever grovelled to anyone before. But there it was, an utter of desperation. 'I beg you, Maeve. Please let them go.'

Done, Maeve smiled. Her forearm split open, and a trail of liquid too dark to be blood seeped out. By my blood that flows through you, through no acts of dishonour, through no act of treachery, I hereby free you both Rowan Whitethorn and Connall Moonbeam of your blood oath to me.

When it was done, Fenrys rose and dipped his head in utmost gratitude. Aelin cried at him. 'You bastard! You rutting bastard! What did you do that for?'

He said nothing, and dipped his head, not speaking, even as a spear of darkness shot for his heart, and he could only stare at it in acceptance-

'No!' Aelin's cry pierced through the silence, and a wall of flame rose to meet the shadow. It was flung out desperately, spreading across the room, trapping Maeve on one side and her and Fenrys on the other. The spear burst into a shower of black mist as it met the fire.

Through the flickering lights, Maeve smiled faintly.

'Fenrys,' Aelin breathed. 'Fenrys, we need to get out of here.'

He turned to look at her, but his eyes were empty.

'No,' Aelin muttered, stumbling backwards. Her wall of fire wavered. 'No- no- no- no! Fenrys, come back, please, Fenrys.'

Maeve's soft laugh danced about her ears.

'Fenrys,' she cried.

Fenrys drifted a step forward to her. A dagger was in his hand, now. A terrifying smile graced his beautiful features, and his eyes were blazing.

'Fenrys, look closely. It's me, Aelin. Please, snap out of it. Not now, not now.'

'I'm going to kill you,' he purred.

He shot forwards, and Aelin swerved to the side, gritting her teeth as she simultaneously fought to keep that barrier of fire between her and Maeve up. But he was fast, much too fast, and struck her ribs. She groaned and staggered away, trying to focus the flames once more.

Fenrys lunged straight forwards and she hesitated; how could she hurt him- how could she burn him-

He darted forwards, faster than her eyes could track, and slammed her against the wall.

The shield of flames vanished entirely.

Fenrys chuckled, the sound both his and Maeve's, and he plunged the dagger into her side, grabbing her throat as he did so. She let out a gasp and Aelin felt her skin flare, but Fenrys only clenched harder. Aelin convulsed.

Fenrys had his teeth bared, and his canines were gleaming, lethal and sharp. He was gazing at her keenly as if she were particularly delicious prey. 'I want to know what your blood tastes like,' he whispered softly to her. 'You smell so sweet.'

Panic gripped her limbs as she thrashed in his grip with futile efforts. Nothing was working, nothing but-

Aelin flung a wave of blue fire at Maeve, hearing a terrible screech that followed, and Fenrys' hold immediately weakened. With the distraction, she grabbed his wrist with her free hand.

He snarled, recoiling.

She could never forgive herself. She'd harmed her mate. But she held on as her fire scalded his skin, burning, burning-

But Fenrys suddenly came back, and his eyes widened. He dropped the dagger. 'I-'

'I'll let you go for now,' he purred. 'But you can't run for long, princess.' He smirked at her, running his tongue over his teeth. 'When I see you again...'

Aelin sent another torrent of flame in Maeve's direction and turned, pushing her horror and agony and despair far down as she sprinted away.

'... I will kill you, coward.'


Maeve's hysterical cackle and that eerie, dark chuckle haunted her ears as she sprinted away, away, away, leaving her brave, broken mate behind.

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