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Celaena couldn't sleep that night. She tossed and turned within the covers - not that it did her any good. Sam stirred as she wriggled onto her side for the fifth time. 'Celaena...' She fought the urge to moan growing inside her.

Sam's lashes fluttered open. He sat up slowly, the moonlight falling upon his bare torso as the bed covers slid down his chest. His hair was tousled and pushed to one side, and she wanted to run her fingers through it-

Celaena pushed her lips together.

'What's wrong?'

'I- I don't know,' she said. He wouldn't understand the mating bonds, and even if he did... she wouldn't want him to.

'Talk to me, Celaena.' He pronounced her name tenderly - it had been so long since she'd heard someone say her name like that. Rowan hadn't said it was impossible to ignore a mating bond - and she could never ignore a possible.

She wanted to love Sam. She knew she loved Sam. How could she love someone like Fenrys?

How could Fenrys be her mate?

But mating bonds were impossible to ignore. And the Fae could scent their partner's scents on another being. Even if Fenrys hated her - he had the right to kill Sam for what she did with him.

She pulled away slowly, but not slowly enough.

Sam caught her arm, and she knew it was pointless to fight back. 'Celaena...'

'I love you,' she said, hoping it had been quiet enough to mask the tremor in her voice. She didn't really know who she was trying to convince.

Sam let out a small breath. 'I love you, too, Celaena. Always.' He ran a thumb across her cheekbone. 'Go to sleep.'

She did, finally, fall asleep, tucked within the embrace of his arms.


Fenrys knew that she slept with Sam. Perhaps he had lied about the bond. There was no sign of the territorial traits - he truly felt nothing for her.

'I don't care,' he laughed. 'Do what you want with him. I won't care.' But his eyes were cold. Ignore the bond if you want. But you've been warned, princess. Don't get too attached - it'll only break you both further when the time comes.

She'd realised the reason they'd been able to communicate like this was through the mating bond itself. So, childish as it was, she ignored him, even as his words rebounded in her mind. 'You don't have to care - you have Maeve, don't you?' she snapped.

At that, his amusement vanished like a flame that had been snuffed. 'Say that again.'

'Of course you wouldn't care. You're Maeve's precious little pet-'

A stinging pain slashed across her cheek as he struck her. Fenrys was so close that their noses almost touched, but his face was contorted into an expression of pure fury. 'You. Know. Nothing.' He winnowed, and she jumped as he hissed into her ear, 'You know nothing about me. You will not talk about me or my queen that way. You do not insult my queen - or me.'

Don't provoke him again, Rowan had said.

Oh, well.

His hand trailed down her neck, down her shoulder as he breathed, 'I could have you whipped right now. I could torture you right now - have the skin peeled from your flesh, brand burning hot bars onto your skin, maim and slowly kill you - and no one would dare to object.' She made to step away but he was there, staring into her eyes, onyx irises glowing with an animalistic intensity. 'But I'll be nice, seeing as you're my mate.'

Fenrys smiled and reached a hand for the back of her head. Then slammed her back against the tree, and she let out a groan at the pain that lanced down her spine. Fenrys pressed his mouth to hers, and she fought - wriggled like hell - but he didn't move an inch. She was pinned and helpless as his fingers knotted into her hair.

He drew back slightly, but then his lips were brushing her jawline, trailing down to her neck.

She realised what he wanted to do. 'Get off,' she hissed.

He paid no heed to her struggles and nipped at the side of her neck. Celaena thrashed, and he snarled once, the sound baleful and menacing. 'Behave,' Fenrys whispered.

Cold air met her throat as he lifted his head slightly to lock his gaze with hers. Then he plunged his jaws down and his canines ripped into her neck.

She gasped and felt her skin rip open as blood ran down, past her collarbone and soaking into the fabric of her tunic.

Fenrys was surprisingly gentle, through. He simply stood there, running his tongue up and down her neck. The pain disappeared after a bit, and he didn't jerk her around anymore.

His arms softened as they cradled her head, and his lashes brushed her chin as they closed slowly.

Fenrys pulled away after a long while, her blood on his teeth and tongue. He ran his fingers lightly over the puncture marks.

'I've never done that to anyone before,' he said, voice husky and soft. 'Not even Maeve.' His hand slipped to caress her cheek, but his fingers lingered on her neck. She was almost frightened at the change of personality had it not been from the newfound calm rushing through her veins.

'You're mine,' he said simply to Celaena. 'Whether you like it or not.'

She simply stood there, speechless and unable to move or think.

'I'll be on the rooftops tonight,'he murmured, 'should you want to talk. I'm giving you one night; one chance.'

He didn't give her enough time to question what he'd said before he stepped away and vanished.


'He hurt you,' Sam said when he saw the wounds just above her collarbone.

'No, he didn't,' Celaena said. I'm giving him a chance. 'He's giving me a chance.'


it's friday againnnnn ;-;

school is starting again in person and i don't know whether to be excited or ehhh

hope this chapter was slightly betterㅠㅠ

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