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Sam avoided her completely. Sometimes she would try to seek his gaze out, but he would tear away and walk out. Aelin was sure everyone had noticed, but no one had said anything, and she respected that.

They were headed to Suria now, with still a week circa to go and plentiful provisions. She honestly wondered if Maeve indeed let them go freely, or had simply been so shocked by Fenrys' betrayal.

The ship that Aelin rode was the smallest; only Rowan, Enya, Sam, Connall, Endymion and some additional crew rode it, so it was fairly empty on the deck most of the time. Aelin stood with her folded arms resting atop the side of the ship, head turned towards the distant horizon of Wendlyn. Fenrys was still there...


She whipped her head round, startled. It was easy to detect a human's footsteps, but Fae were much softer. They were trained well, after all. Slowly turning round to face her sister, she asked, 'How's Connall?'

The two Fae males had only fully recovered from the whip lashes. It had been painfully slow, given the speed of which Fae wounds usually healed. Aelin took full blame, though they both insisted it hadn't been her fault.

'He's getting better. Just cranky because he can't fight yet unless he wants to reopen the wound.'

A smile twitched at her lips before she pushed it away.

'And you? How are you?'


'Are you and Sam...'

'Also fine.' Her voice didn't mean to come out as a snap.

Enya nodded slowly, but didn't push. After a while, she shifted on her feet slightly as if to walk away, but instead held onto the ship's railing, watching the froth lapping at the side of the ship. 'Do you miss Fenrys?' The question was so quiet Aelin may have almost missed it.

'I...' She let out a breath. 'What makes you think that?'

'You've been quiet ever since we left. You always come here to stare back at Wendlyn.'

She snorted slightly. 'Am I that easy to read?'

Enya shook her head and shrugged. Her hair danced around her face, whipped wild by the strong breeze. Then, she said, 'What does your heart want, Aelin?'

Aelin didn't reply.

'Your first love doesn't have to be your last. You may feel inclined to stay with Sam, because of all you've been through together. You may not, because your love for Fenrys is stronger. And that's not wrong. Time shifts things, and you'll begin to see everything through a new perspective.' The wind dulled to a whisper. 'But in the end, whoever you don't choose will still learn to accept you.'

Aelin breathed out a long, gentle sigh. Her mark where Fenrys' canines had pierced were tingling. Aelin loved Fenrys with all her heart, more than she thought possible. But Sam had done so much for her. They had gone through so much together.

'And a final point...' Aelin stilled. Enya murmured, 'Your time will remain long since after Sam's has ended. Are you prepared to bind your life to his? Fenrys is immortal, Aelin. I'm not saying you should choose him, but...' Enya squeezed Aelin's hand tightly. 'Have a think about it. You don't need to make a choice yet.' Then she turned and walked away, boots brushing the deck almost inaudibly.

Aelin stared after her, heart growing with an admirable warmth for her sister - then began to make her way below decks.

But as she reached the bottom of the stairs, a strong, solid weight grabbed her, slamming her into the wall. Aelin hissed, moving to defend, but something cool pricked at her neck, and she was forced to remain deathly still.

She knew who it was the moment his scent touched her nose.

'So that's it? You chose him? Just because I'm temporary?' Sam spat.

She tried to speak, but he pushed the dagger further, and she gagged.

'You have no idea how much it hurts me to see you mooning over a monster.' His voice cracked into a snarl.

Aelin felt her eyes widen, then her vision grew blurry as tears began to slip down her cheeks.

'Aelin?' Rowan's voice cut through the tesne atmosphere.

'I want to hate you,' Sam said. His face was smooth and blank and unreadable. Even the spark in his eyes was gone. Aelin was scared. 'I want to hate you so much. It hurts so much I want to hurt you back.'

Sam lowered the blade and shook his head slowly. 'But I won't. I promise I won't desert you either. I will remain loyal to you forever, Celaena, and I hope you will see that.'

Rowan's presence grew closer.

'I'm not sad, Celaena. It just seems I put too much faith in you.'

The weight disappeared from her body, and she stood upright just as Rowan turned the corner. He gave no indication, but she knew he'd heard everything.

His steps grew swifter as he approached, enveloping her in his cloak as he walked them back to their cabin. And there, once the door was shut and the bolt in place, he let her go, and she cried.

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