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Over the next few days, Celaena accompanied Rowan to the brook, or, as he called it, his brook.

There was a small pool down the mountainside that shimmered sunlight in the morning, and moonlight in the evenings. The brook bubbled into and past the pool. Fern and fronds surrounded it as well as thick slabs of stone.

It was here that Celaena sat with Rowan and talked about nothing and everything that wasn't personal. He was good company, and lightened up occasionally. His laugh, though rare, was pleasant and warm, contrasting greatly to her first impressions of him.

She had a feeling he was finding her less annoying now, too.

She would dangle her bare legs over the lip of the stone and swirl them around in the warm water. Sometimes Rowan would shove her in with his wind and snort at her - till she splashed him and yanked him in as well.

Perhaps she saw Sam less. But she realised his absence didn't draw on that loneliness like it did before. Of course, it mattered that they saw each other less and less - but... there was Rowan.

Maybe they were being kept separate deliberately. Celaena would still go and wait for an hour in Sam's chambers each day, just to see if he'd be there. He never was.

But still, each late morning till evening was spent with Rowan. A sort of newfound camaraderie had built up between them. As Rowan commanded her tiny flame, they'd unwittingly shuffle closer to each other as time passed by the brook, only to realise and leap apart a long while later.

By the end of the week, through gentle coaxing and teasing, she was able to recall a small blue flame to dance in the palm of her hand. A single flame, but it was progress. Rowan was pleased.

He was able to get her to master shifting, too.

It was anger that often sparked her to shift, but she realised that by the end of it, the taunts has stopped hurting as much, and she could change forms on command. Though she was still ordered by Rowan and Connall to fight in human form, Celaena spent time in the brook with Rowan as Fae.

And even though he worked for Maeve, every now and then she would think of his pine-green eyes and deep chuckle and wide smile - and realise that Rowan Whitethorn now had a place in her heart.


'No weapons, still?'

Connall shook his head, ebony hair tied into a tight ponytail which swayed with the movement. 'No weapons.' He took a step closer to her, studying her as she automatically stiffened. 'Loosen your shoulders,' he murmured. 'Don't lean forwards so much. And relax your fists.'

She snapped at him, 'I know-'

'Just do it, please,' Connall said sighed. Celaena sighed back, nodded, and took a step away. Then, without warning, his fist shot forwards.

Celaena ducked, his knuckles catching her loose strands of hair.

Connall drew his fist back, and she straightened again. And he punched again.

She moved only her head this time, raising a forearm to push his fist away.

'You can hit me harder than that,' Connall said.

Celaena nodded and returned to the relaxed stance.

Connall grinned at her, lips twitching mischievously. Then he launched himself at her.

She swerved away from his first blow, halting the kick that came afterwards and slamming a knee towards his chest. Connall grunted as he took the full force of blow, but didn't falter as he retaliated by jabbing a fist into the base of her jaw, and a stinging pain erupted as she bit her tongue hard.

'Ow,' she muttered, stepping away.

Connall laughed and punched her lightly on the shoulder. 'Let's do that again.'

She waited for Connall to make the first move as they circled each other, limbs loose and relaxed. She kept dipping, shifting her weight and edging forwards and backwards, trying to confuse Connall.

It didn't work, and he went straight for her.

She blocked with an arm, grabbing his other arm and wrenching it downwards, spinning out of the way. He rose again and without a pause, swept a leg.

It caught her foot, but Celaena absorbed the impact as she fell, rolling to avoid the fist that plunged down.

Then she and Connall were back on their feet again, and she drove an elbow at his chest, closing the distance between them. It was too fast to judge for whether it was about or not, and Connall grabbed onto her shoulder, swinging a leg to sweep her legs out from under her.

Celaena brought them both down, and they tumbled down a few feet. She grabbed his throat and threw out a leg to halt their fall.

Connall had stopped fighting, and lay there grinning at her. 'You're getting better,' he remarked. 'Well done.'


ey it's fuckin friday again


the weeks pass too quickly. the hours drag by

i was supposed to go to this virtual girls-only-pizza-movie night but i fell asleep at five pm and missed it lmao

can't say i regret it

i'm literally that one person in the class who doesn't have netflix

anyways that was a boring filler chapter sry

hope you're infired to do something this weekend :))

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