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Ren ushered Nesryn inside.

The walls were chipped and peeling, the floorboards worn and half-rotted. Candles upon the wall led down the hallway, flickering as the door shut behind her.

'I live with Lysandra and Murtaugh in an apartment. There is a shower there, Faliq. Only I, like you, had to travel here through those wretched sewers.'

'Where's Murtaugh?' Nesryn asked.

'Sleeping. He needs his rest, you know.' Ren's tone softened considerably as he mentioned his grandfather. 'Anyway, we're getting started soon. Settle in.'

Only a few members were present per gathering to avoid arousing suspicion - such as multiple people walking into the same house within a short period of time.

'Who's here tonight?'

'You, me, Finn, Owen and the Eyllwian.'


'Nox,' Ren clarified.

But... wasn't he one of the Champions as well?

'Nesryn Faliq,' a voice said behind her. 'I do believe we haven't been properly introduced yet. Nox Owen, master thief of Perranth. A pleasure to meet you.'

Nesryn exhaled sharply. She felt a blush spread rapidly up her cheeks as her heart leapt into her stomach. Master thief indeed, being able to sneak around like that!

'Ah, Nox,' Ren said as he smiled, his scars lifting with the movement. 'You're just in time.'

He patted Nesryn's arm. 'Come on. We're all waiting in the drawing room.' He brushed past her, striding past into a room on the right. She stared after the shifting muscles across his back, noticing the subtle edges of the multiple blades concealed under the cloak.

Nox shrugged gracefully and walked after him.

Nesryn cast her gaze around at the candles, let out a sharp breath - and the flames went out quickly. She followed Nox.

Archer Finn and Nehemia Ytger greeted her as she walked in. Nesryn has only seen Archer a few times, Nehemia often.

Nehemia gave a brief smile, her eyes lined with exhaustion. Archer gave a brilliant grin, but promptly dropped his head again to the sheets on the table.

'The king's onto us. Nox managed to attain a copy of the king's list of those who seem to pose a threat to him.'

Nesryn came forwards and stood on the opposite side of the square table, surveying the names.

'Archer, you're on there,' Nox said, nodding at the papers.

The courtesan blinked.

Nehemia continued, 'I have a lead to where the princess may be.'

Archer's eyes sparked at that piece of information.

'But it appears we have a spy among us.'


With a moment too fast for even Nesryn to comprehend, Nehemia Ytger plunged a knife into Archer Finn's throat.

She yanked it out as blood began to pool, and Archer's emerald eyes went dull.

Nox gaped at the princess.

'Sorry,' Nehemia said briskly. 'He was a liability.' She faced the sheets again, ignoring the dead body slumped beside her. Nesryn's respect increased greatly. 'As I was saying, a fellow friend of mine has given me a lead as to where the princess may be. In fact,' Nehemia placed both hands onto the table, gold bracelets gleaming in the candle-light, 'we owe this friend quite a lot indeed. For the missing princess, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, is an assassin. One who goes by the pseudonym Celaena Sardothien.'

Silence and a roaring noise filled Nesryn's ears. From his expression, she could tell Nox felt the same way she did.

'The one sent to Endovier?' Nox asked weakly, recovering first.


'But she was rescued on the journey to Rifthold. We now suspect she is in Wendlyn. In the clutches of the Fae Queen Maeve.'

Archer's blood had began to seep into the parchment, dying the sea between Erilea and Wendlyn red. Nehemia paid no attention to it.

'Well, that won't do!' Nox cried in a whisper. 'We can't do anything without her here! The king wants Terrasen, and he would have gotten it if the assassin-princess hadn't been rescued. Now Maeve has her, How is it any better? We're utterly useless-'

'Don't think that,' Nehemia said sharply. 'There are plenty things we could do meanwhile. I fear we may have to begin rallying for war. Even though the king can't use Aelin at the moment, it's no secret of his growing forces in the Ferian Gap. He wants to make a move on Terrasen - and all he needs now is the girl back on Adarlan grounds to begin. We cannot,' Nehemia said, eyes blazing, 'let that happen.'

'Where's Aedion?'

'What?' Nox asked, bewildered. 'The Wolf of the North?'

'Oh, use your brain,' Nesryn snapped. 'Aedion works for the king. But he's Aelin's cousin. Who is his allegiance to?'

Nehemia was nodding approvingly. 'Most likely his blood. If we can convince him to ally with us, we have a whole legion on our side.'

'Don't forget the Dead Islands,' Ren said.

Nesryn's heart leapt from where he spoke behind her.


'The King of Adarlan does not control the Dead Islands. We can try and persuade them as well.'

'Eyllwe has no legions,' Nehemia said. 'Melisande has two, in which both armies are barely trained. But put together with the soldiers of the Whitefang Mountains and Adarlan, the opposition is great.'

'The Red Desert, the pirates, the Bane, and those that remain alive from Terrasen - that's all we have. Provided we can sway them all first,' Ren said quietly.

'We have the Silent Assassins with us already.' Nesryn spoke up suddenly.

Nehemia turned a curious gaze towards her. 'Hm?'

'Two girls link us all together. Their names are Celaena Sardothien, and Erin Coulter.'

'What has the assassin got to do with the Mute Master?'

'Everything,' she replied. 'They owe her a debt. And as for Erin... she is considered the Mute Master's daughter. His allegiance is with her, and her allegiance is with us.'

'How have I never heard the name?' Ren mused.

'You don't need to know her,' Nesryn said. 'Few do.'

Now Nox finally said, 'Aelin Ashryver, Aedion Ashryver...' His eyes widened. 'They're in Wendlyn. Aelin and Galan. The prince. We need his fleet.'

'I can pass on a message,' Nehemia replied swiftly. 'Now we have the sides predicted, this was only the beginning. I'm afraid all of us have very dark times ahead.' The words were ominous, still ringing in Nesryn's ears as the princess uttered, 'The following wars decide the fate of Erilea - and will seal it forever.'


how's life

i just feel empty and dead at this point

i haven't run or jumped or done taekwondo in three months

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