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Aedion was more than startled when he awoke to a young soldier shaking him furiously, claiming-

'What do you mean, the courtesan's gone?'

But even as he spoke, he shrugged on a cloak and tugged in his boots and marched out.

A full blast of cold, biting air hit his face as he stalked out his tent.

And there it was. The small tent that Lysandra alone occupied, the entrance fabric flapping in the wind. The area smelt stale of her scent.

'How did she leave?' he demanded to the soldier.

'I- I don't know.'

Aedion reminded himself that though he'd stationed a guard for her nearby, Lysandra was not a hostage. She had the freedom to wander - albeit not too far. 'Don't look so petrified,' Aedion told the young boy. 'I'm not going to punish you.'

But the boy's eyes were fixed on something behind him. They widened.

Someone began shouting.

Aedion heard a huff, followed by a small gust of warm breath. It smelt like nothing human. It smelt like, like-

He turned around.

A ghost leopard purred at him.

'Rutting gods above,' he cursed. Slowly, he began to back away.

But there was nothing predatory in the beast's eyes. They were narrowed almost playfully.

And the colour of those eyes...

'Weapons down,' Aedion ordered quietly. 'Now.'

He began to inch forwards, and the beast remained still aside from a tilt of the head. It even had the audacity to yawn at him, jaws opening wide to reveal an array of sharp teeth and two large fangs poking from the pinky gums. Aedion was met with a faceful of hot, stinking breath.


The beast raised a sheathed paw - and bowled him over with a swipe.

He wasn't sure whether to feel mortified or not, tumbling ungracefully to the ground like that in front of his men. But the ghost leopard's shoulders shook.

She was laughing at him.

Aedion stood and frowned at the beast. It ignored him and swung its muzzle round at the gathered audience with an intent clear enough. 'You're all dismissed,' Aedion called, not daring to take his eyes off that furry form.

When it was somewhat deserted once more, the ghost leopard let out a huff of satisfaction.

'Are you really Lysandra?'

The beast cut him a gaze that somehow dripped with sarcasm.

And then all of a sudden there was a pulse and a woman was huddled before him, shaking from laughter and the freezing weather - and very much naked.

'Gods,' Aedion exclaimed, chucking her his cloak, 'that's uncalled for.'

'You'd prefer a warning next time?' Her voice kept that husky purr for a few heartbeats.

'Yes. Especially when you're going to suddenly reappear as a ghost leopard. A heads-up would be gladly appreciated.'


Warm and dressed appropriately, Aedion gazed at the courtesan across the flickering flames. 'So you're a shifter?'


'How long have you known for?'

'Since I was very young.'

Aedion nodded mutely, unsure of what to say. 'What does it feel like?' he asked in an attempt to break the silence.

To his surprise, Lysandra answered. 'It's freeing and dangerous. The ability to exchange one form for another is gratifying.' She laughed again, but Aedion noticed she didn't bother to make that chuckle - not a giggle, but a full, low chuckle - light and lady-like. He had a feeling that beneath all those manners and grace, she was certainly a feral beast. 'You have no idea how tiring it is to carry such large...' She waved a hand in a vague gesture at her breasts. And Aedion swore they were smaller than before.

'The danger is, as we shift, there is a possibility that you forget what you originally looked like. When magic was banished, I happened to be wearing the skin of a pretty beggar-girl. Now... it's been so long I no longer remember what I looked like. The shape of my face, the colour of my hair, the colour of my eyes - I don't know.'

'Do you have family?' It was a bold, brazen question.

Lysandra's eyes flashed, but the anger died down as soon as it appeared. 'I lived in an orphanage. I was thrown out onto the streets because of this... ability. I frightened my mistress too many times when I would change accidentally out of fear or anger. Anyway, Arobynn found and took me in after that.'

'That must mean you knew Celaena.'

She smiled, and Aedion noted carefully how her cheeks lifted, how the light grew in her eyes. 'Aelin Galathynius... I had been living so close to her all this time.'

'She fooled us all.'

They sat in silence for a while after that. Lysandra's gaze moved often; restless, whilst Aedion kept his eyes on the fire.

There was a rustling as the tent flaps opened, and a soldier appeared, shoulders rising and falling rapidly as he stood there, head bowed.

Lysandra stood swiftly, murmuring a quick, 'thank you for the company,' before exiting the tent.

Aedion looked back at the messenger. 'Yes?'

'We have company.'

Aedion stood.

'The Lords of Terrasen have joined us.'


In Aedion's opinion, Weylan Darrow was a grump. He was wealthy and of high rank, but a grumpy bastard who rarely smiled or gave looks of approval. He stood in the centre of the camp as if he owned it. The other three Lords stood behind him. The Lords of Sloane, Ironwood, Gunnar - Aedion hadn't bothered to remember their names.

'I wish to speak to Aelin Galathynius.' Darrow's face was lined with wrinkles and age, yet his voice carried out strongly over the plain.

Aedion didn't bother with formalities. He said bluntly, 'She's not here.'

Darrow's expression didn't shift aside from a twitch of the lips into a humorless smile. 'Then I suppose we'll have to wait then, won't we?'

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