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To say he was disappointed that he'd lost Celaena Sardothien was an understatement. There was just something that drew him to her - she was fascinating. But then he'd probably be chastised for his typical-lover thinking.

He tried to forget her eyes - despite her dirt-encrusted face and dull, matted hair, they'd shone a brilliant blue. She was different from other women - though she had simpered, there seemed to be a fierceness and a fire in her eyes as she'd stared at him.

Wrong thoughts. He should not be thinking about her. She was an assassin - and even if she'd made it to become her champion, they couldn't have gotten involved. It was his friend Chaol's job to gather information on the missing assassin - not Dorian's. He should be worrying about court matters - and finding a new Champion as soon as possible.

There was a knock on his door.

'Yes?' he called.

Chaol pushed open the door, and took in Dorian sat behind his messy desk, books scattered about the table and the couch and the floor. He coughed. 'You have a new champion.'

Dorian stood abruptly at that. 'Really?' With a cocky grin, he asked, 'Not a woman again, is it?'

Chaol gave him a disapproving look. 'It is.'

'Oh?' He felt his curiosity perk.

'Nesryn Faliq.'

Nesryn Faliq. City guard. He pushed his lips together, and his slight disappointment must have shown because Chaol snapped, 'Your Champion isn't here to bed you.'

Dorian gave a sheepish grin. 'Point acknowledged. When will I have the chance to meet this Faliq woman?'

'Tomorrow. She'll see you in her chambers. In the dining room, Dorian.'


Early next morning, Nesryn waited in the sitting room of her new chambers. Though she didn't want it, let alone need it, she was given a chamber in a wing of the stone castle. There was a bedroom with an attached bathing chamber, dressing room, dining room and a music and gaming room. Chaol had told her that though he very much trusted her, they had to keep up the act of her role as a Champion, therefore stationing guards by her door and beneath the balcony that overlooked the rich garden below.

She was allowed to keep weapons with her, so she'd brought a bow and arrow, along with multiple knives and the issued sword.

The Crown Prince didn't bother to knock before he strolled in, the Captain of the Guard striding in after him. Nesryn unclasped her hands from behind her back and bowed.

'Submissive,' the Crown Prince remarked.

Nesryn straightened and cocked her head, fighting the churning anger within her. The Crown Prince looked curiously at her, the way one would study a painting, and Nesryn met those curious, brilliant blue eyes with her own stony gaze. 'I'm not here to lick your boots.'

The Crown Prince laughed, the sound rich and merry. 'Oh, she has a tongue, too! At least she knows the definition of respect,' he added. He smiled again at her, nothing forced in the action. 'Call me Dorian. You seem to know Chaol well enough.'

Nesryn nodded curtly. 'Is that it?'

Dorian gave a lazy smile. 'You seem eager to get rid of me.'

'I'm here to win a competition, not warm your bed. There are plenty other women who can do that for you.' Her tone glittered with slight disgust.

He nodded. 'This woman knows what she's doing. But...' He gave a sly look in Chaol's direction. 'Perhaps she has other reasons for turning me down.'

Chaol stiffened imperceptibly beside her.

'Your Highness,' Nesryn said, not a single glimmer of amusement in her expression, 'with all due respect, if that is it, I would like you to leave now.'

Dorian ran a hand through his raven-black hair, and pushed the other into his pocket. 'Very well. I'll see you later.' Then he sauntered our from the room, whistling.

The moment he was out of earshot, Chaol whipped his head round to face Nesryn. 'Don't mind him. Dorian is... Dorian. He won't badger you.'

'I should hope so,' she snapped.

Like a gentleman, Chaol took her elbow. 'Let me take you on a tour of the castle - familiarise the place.'

She already had marked the number of exits and windows and doors - not that she would attempt an escape. Nesryn gave a nod. 'All right.'


They'd walked around the castle for some while, past the abnormally large library, past all the rooms and hallways fit for horse races, and now were walking round the gardens at a leisurely pace.

'Nesryn,' Chaol said suddenly. 'I'm sorry for pulling you into all this.'

She gave him an incredulous look. 'Now you think to apologise? You men are honestly-'

She was about to finish the sentence with a very unladylike word when a woman rounded the bushes and nearly collided with them.

Gathering her skirts, she gave a low, elegant curtsy, her ebony hair dipping with the gesture. 'Captain!' she trilled. 'Oh, I'm so sorry!' Chaol gave a stiff nod. The woman raised her heavy-lidded, night-black eyes, and they fell upon Nesryn. 'And who may this fine lady be?'

Nesryn was almost glad that her maid, Phillipa, had forced her into a gown - though it was the plainest as it came. Wearing a tunic and pants may have raised unwanted questions. Chaol looked at her. 'Kaltain Rompier, Nesryn Faliq.' After some discussion, they'd eventually decided that Nesryn did not need a mask for her identity, as her name was not well-known like a certain Celaena Sardothien.

She peered at Kaltain's narrow, narrow waist, and wondered if it really was that small. Nesryn herself had refused the corset Phillipa had brandished at her. Let me at least try and clean up your hair, Phillipa had scolded. You simply cannot walk around the castle grounds like that.

So her hair was twisted into a tight bun at the back of her head, held together by a single gold-and-ruby flower comb.

Nesryn felt Kaltain studying her, too. She lifted her chin and met the woman's gaze. 'It's a pleasure to meet you,' Kaltain cooed, and Nesryn took an instant disliking to her.

Chaol shifted on his feet. 'Miss Faliq-' she tried not to snort at that, despite their previous row on her refusal for him to call her Lady Nesryn '-is to stay here for a few years. She and I are good friends.'

I want to punch you in the balls.

'Miss Faliq seems to dress rather plainly,' Kaltain commented.

'Sometimes simplicity is better than extravagance,' Nesryn replied coolly, not breaking her gaze from the woman's, and Kaltain began fidgeting uncomfortably with almost-inconspicuous movements.

'Well,' Nesryn said briskly after several heartbeats of silence, 'I hope we see each other again soon. Goodbye.'

And with that, she raised an arm to take Chaol's arm, subtly pinching his bicep as hard as she could before dragging him away from the gardens and inside.


sorry not very great chapter but the better ones are coming ! also i actually have a general plotline for this book now... and for some reason all books plots are in my head. i absolutely, cannot write the plot down otherwise i will lose passion for the story. weird fact, but true. also my new high score is 25 in slope

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