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They were heading back to the camp when it happened.

Four arrows found their mark in the necks of four men - then another four. There must have been at least two dozen guards with her - but half were downed in a matter of heartbeats.

And then two black figures leapt from the shadows.

One fought with a lethal grace - like a cobra - and men died on the spot, barely touching their whirlwind of blades. By the time the second shadow had finished disabling one, six were already dead by the former's hand.

The other - even disguised, she couldn't deny that fighting style. Precise, smooth, sharp. Celaena but her tongue to avoid crying out. She was dreaming. This had to be a dream.

Chaol was obviously torn between making sure she didn't run, and protecting the Crown Prince. Choosing the former, he grabbed her chains, and she staggered towards him.

The last guard fell to the ground, sightless eyes reflecting the glow of the moon, blood pumping from his throat. Thirty guards - dead, just like that.

Dorian stood beside Chaol, head held high. 'Who are you?' he asked. The one with the slim, lithe body prowled forwards, and Chaol's hand drifted to the pommel of his sword.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you,' a voice crooned. This person had not chosen to wear a mask, and the voice was undoubtedly feminine.

'You should know who you're threatening.'

'Oh, I know,' she purred. 'You're Dorian Havilliard, the Crown Prince of Adarlan. And you must be Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Guard. Too bad you're both too important to kill.'

A small tap on Celaena's shoulder had her eyes widening - a motion that went unseen by Chaol or Dorian. Slowly, the weight of the chains disappeared as the locks were prised open.

'Come,' the figure breathed, voice merely a soft wind.

Celaena hesitated - and took a soft step backwards.

'I'm not making bargains,' Chaol growled to the figure.

The shadow chuckled, soft and venomous. 'You won't need to.'

Chaol whirled - to find an empty space where Celaena had been. 'Shit,' he snarled. 'Shit.'

From the shadows of the trees, Celaena watched as the Captain of the Guard drew his sword, advancing upon the figure. But she gave another quiet laugh - and was gone.

'Trust us,' that same voice said into her ear.

Curiosity later. So Celaena nodded. But she was weak - and hardly fit to run.

As if sensing her hesitation, the figure threw her over their shoulder. And then leapt upon a horse. Kicked the mare's sides, and took off. Leaving the roar of the Captain of the Guard far behind.


He didn't dare stop riding until they were far away from Oakwald, riding along the marshes. It had been more than a couple miles, and his lungs were almost to the point of combusting. Enya hurried closer, and somehow her breathing remained even as she said, 'Let me.'

'You're hurt,' he said, seeing the darkened patch on her suit.

'It's nothing I can't handle,' Enya said, tone unbothered.

Sam placed the unnervingly-light body of Celaena Sardothien into her sister's arms. Tenderly, Enya reached out a finger to stroke her cheekbone. 'Who are you,' Celaena rasped.

His heart cracked at that fragile voice. They hadn't starved her, but her health was in an undeniably bad state.

'Questions and answers later,' Enya promised. 'For now, we ride for Meah.'


The King of Adarlan was more than livid.

He'd executed one of the ministers who had merely laughed before he'd entered the room.

Spittle flew from his mouth as he thundered, 'You had one task - one task to bring back the assassin.'

Chaol Westfall said nothing, only kept his forehead pressed to the cold floor. He was on paper-thin ice.

'Did you send men to track down those people?'

'No, Your Majesty. They killed all our men.'

'How many people were involved?'

'From what I observed, only two, Your Majesty.'

'You deserve to be executed for this mistake, Captain,' the King said. 'Am I wrong, or am I right? Rise, and tell me.'

Chaol stood, and tried to master his thundering heartbeat as he gazed into those cold obsidian eyes. 'Yes.'

The King closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath as if trying to reign in his temper. When he opened them, they appeared to be calmer. 'But,' he mused, 'it would be rather unfortunate to lose such a Captain of the Guard.'

The King stared intently at Chaol, and he could feel the sweat sliding down his back. 'Find Celaena Sardothien - or find my son another Champion, one just as good. I shall give you a month and will not start the competitions until then. Do not disappoint me again.'

'I will do my best, Your Majesty,' Chaol promised. He clenched his shaking fists.


i sidetracked by writing a new book ;-;

also i actually don't have a plan on how to wrap up this book but i have a general direction of how this will go. hang in there guys-

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