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Her aunt sat behind a half-rotten desk, no crown adorning her head - there was no need for one. A wolf with fur as white as snow rested with its paws tucked under its body beside her wooden chair. It glanced lazily at the entourage, gaze narrowing, then flicked away and closed its eyes. That was Fenrys, perhaps.

Maeve's gaze traveled over each of them in turn, and Celaena fought the urge to shrink away.

All those childhood tales, rumours and scares came back, flooding her mind with images of shadow and blood.


Once upon a time, many centuries ago, there were two rulers. One who ruled the East, and across the ocean, the other West. They were both Valg: a rare, aancient race of Fae who had the powers of manipulation and darkness, and had a sadistic love for bloodshed.

They were the last of their pure-blooded kind, and their names were Orcus and Mantyx.

For decades, they fought, both bloodthirsty for power. Neither won, nor did the dispute settle, until they faded into the Dead.

Erilea and Wendlyn emerged, formed through a peace treaty.

But within their own boundaries, there were disputes. The rulers of Terrasen were assassinated under the order of a new king. The rulers of Wendlyn were overpowered by a new queen. This was the son of Orcus, and the daughter of Mantyx.

Erawan, and Maeve.


Celaena lifted her chin and Maeve said, 'I understand you have travelled for a long while, and wish to rest. Prince Rowan will show you to your quarters soon.'


Maeve gave them all but a second to absorb the information before continuing, 'I presume if I say you are not allowed to stay here, you'll beg for my hospitality.'

To her surprise, Sam stepped forwards, and said, 'We don't need your hospitality.'

He should have been beaten for that.

Maeve held up a finger, and Sam wisely closed his mouth. 'You have nowhere else to go - so I will let you stay here in this fortress. But you must agree to my terms. You will be trained by my warriors, Rowan or other, every day - and that is it. Are we agreed?'

The words were phrased so that Celaena had no option for her reply. Rowan looked faintly displeased; she ignored his thinning lips and said, 'Yes.'

'Wonderful.' Maeve's ebony eyes gleamed. 'Sam, Enya, you may leave now. I would like to have a word with Celaena alone.'

It wasn't a surprise that Maeve knew all their names.

'Whatever you need to say to Celaena, you can say to me,' Sam said.

Rowan cut Sam a look - and he glared right back. Celaena was thoroughly impressed with his nerve - idiocy, if not bravery.

Maeve smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. 'Leave.'

Enya, sensibly, headed for the door. Sam stayed.

Maeve let out a long breath through her nose. Then her eyes narrowed, and Sam stiffened imperceptibly, his arms going slack by his sides. 'I said,' Maeve purred, 'you are dismissed.'

Sam's eyes went dull and unfocused. In a seemingly-almost dreamlike state, he walked to the doors, and outside. There he stood, lifeless and unmoving.

Did Maeve ever have the power of manipulation? Celaena never recalled such a thing-

An unseen wind slammed into the doors, and they swung shut. Trapping Celaena inside. Rowan positioned himself by the door. Faint roars could be heard from the other side as the magic lifted. 'Now we can have our long awaited aunt-neice reunion. I have waited a long time to see you, Aelin,' Maeve said.

Celaena's hands trembled as that name. 'My name is not Aelin.' That girl was dead - she drowned years ago in a river.

'Liar,' Maeve purred. 'At least your sister has the decency to accept her name. But I have no time for powerless half-breeds.'

The disdain in that voice: half-breeds... Celaena clenched her fists to avoid doing something stupid and possibly land herself in further shit. Her reaction was exactly how Maeve wanted it. 'I've heard all about you from my eyes across the ocean,' Mave mused. 'I've heard stories of an assassin with Ashryver eyes - in chains and a wagon bound for-'

'Stop.' She didn't need her own history recited, didn't need to have Rowan, who had been listening intently, to know, didn't want his pity. 'Yes, I'm assassin,' she said, shooting a glare at Rowan to piss off; to dare him to taunt her.

He closed his eyes slowly and looked away.

Arrogant bastard.

'And what has become of your other talents?'

Celaena didn't dare take her eyes off Maeve this time, and she replied, 'Unfortunately, I haven't been able to access them on my continent.'

Maeve's nostrils flared as she smelled the half-lie. She purred, 'But you are not on your continent, now.' Maeve was a spider, her words a web as she spun more and more silky thread till Celaena was bound and trapped-

'Show me,' Maeve whispered.

And then claws began to pick her mind, probing, feeling-

Celaena slammed them away as hard as possible. 'I-'

'You cannot,' Maeve smiled. The claws released their grip. 'Let's not dally any longer. You see, I want to offer you a second bargain.'

She shook her head.

'I want to help you become queen.'

Heart thundering, Celaena began to back away, only to meet a wall of muscle and steel. Rowan.

'As I said, Rowan shall train you. Until you are deemed worthy by him may you see me again - and be granted permission to leave. Your magic is of great importance,' her aunt said with a snake's smile. 'Now goodbye, niece.'

The White Wolf blinked slowly after her.


Celaena, Sam and Enya shared a tower in the East wing - a door opening to a large sitting room, and a short corridor which lead to further rooms. They were each given their own separate bedroom - but she'd taken one look at the size of the bed, and demanded that Sam sleep with her.

A small meal was soon brought to the dining table, along with a tin of salve for Celaena's scars. She didn't ask how Maeve knew. Didn't ask why.

After bidding Enya a good night, Celaena kicked off her worn boots and removed the cloak. Sam slipped into the covers beside her. In the dimness, she was unable to make out his expression. After a few heartbeats of silence, she said into the darkness, 'Thank you.'

Sam rolled over to envelop her in a hug. 'Anytime,' he said softly. 'I love
you.' She was grateful, too, that he understood and knew that she needed time; he'd only approached her with soft brushes of the lips or embraces.

Celaena smiled, feeling happier than she'd been for a long time. 'I love you, too.' She never thought she'd hear those words be said to her again; for once, she was looking forwards to sleep. A long, untroubled one. And for once, her dearest were safe. Safe, and free.


sorry for the late update ! im rly busy with schoolwork, but on the plus side, the winter break is starting next wednesday !! on the downside... i need to spend it revising and catching up cuz i did terribly in the past exams ,:(

(revisiting my a/ns in 2022 and bruh nothing's changed

i still have to catch up on shitㅠㅠ)

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