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Seokjin pressed his temples in extreme displeasure, his long fingers suddenly itching to tap the red 'end' button on the phone currently pressed to his ear.

"Jungkook." He stated after a good few minutes, causing an abrupt pause on the blabbering session upheld from the other side of the line, "where are you right now?"

"Just outside the mansion... Why?" The said boy asked from his side, sounding genuinely confused.

Seokjin thought he would nearly burst a vein.

"Then fucking come inside and talk you li'l asswipe!!" The older man growled into the phone, causing the other members in the hall room to twinge up in fear. At that moment Seokjin could easily pass up as a baby stealing ogre, if only the other's didn't know him better.

He hung up and only minutes later a high spirited bunny faced boy sashayed into the hall with a skip in his step, being closely followed by a blank faced Yoongi, who was somehow carrying a sack double his size on his small strong shoulders.

"Good morninggg hyungies~" Jungkook sang, performing a graceful curtsey for the four men in the room and Seokjin gave him the dirtiest look of the century.

"Goodmorning dear Jungkook~" he replied sweetly before the dirty look was back, "Now mind telling us where you disappeared to just before the Gwangju riots?"

Jungkook's smiled wider, straightening up and puffing out his chest.

"I was at a vacation, did I forget to tell you?" He asked him, trying to appear dubious but a wicked smile soon traced his lips, "oh yeah maybe I did."

"Jeon Jungkook you---"

"Jinnie, stop." A deeper voice sighed from the other end, making Jungkook spin to him in utter glee.

"Namjoon hyeong!! I've missed you," he let out, giddily jumping on his heels. The older boy and the boss's right hand man sighed again, fine lines of exhaustion clear on his face.

"You're not supposed to run away before a big event Jungkook," Namjoon told him, sounding like he was trying to compose himself as well, "especially without informing any of us."

"But I did inform Papi here," The younger mafia boss argued, pointing a thumb at Yoongi who gave a curt nod in reply, " I gave him the address and even asked him to come get me."

"But whyd you have to leave like that? You could've joined us in the capitol or stayed home instead! Why'd you have to surrender to the police of some- of some village we don't even know the name of!?!" Jin was infuriated but everyone including Jungkook, knew the main cause of his concern- to protect the heir and leader of the mafia they ran. He'd been assigned to do that since Jungkook was four and running around the mansion with a 9mm loaded pistol in his small hands.

Namjoon walked up to his boyfriend of seven years and placed a hand on his back, massaging it gently.

"Jinnie stop fretting so much, Jungkook's twenty now and he can take care of himself pretty well and about the false surrender, I think it was a great idea for the leader to hand himself in when the riots broke out. It's the perfect alibi." He reasoned out, trying his best to cover up the stupid actions of his boss as usual.

"That was until Min here decided to go burst the wall of the prison and bring him back here when the entire police force of the nation is behind our backs," a higher pitched voice scoffed, rolling his eyes, "so much for creating Alibies."

"Jimin you're one to talk, what the hell where you doing at a tattoo parlor at 3 last night? Weren't you supposed to partner me at the South city gate?" Another voice, belonging to none other than the technical head of the group, Jung Hoseok countered, making the said boy look up in alarm.

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