New paths?

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For the next few days, nobody saw Jungkook.

For the first part, he went missing after the day of the mafia summit where he took off without even attending it. Not that his entourage didn't expect their boss to react like that, but they were all still worried, calling and looking for him relentlessly.

That was until they got home and found that Jungkook had already informed Jin he would be out for a few days and that Namjoon would be incharge until he was back. Jimin ofcourse, was mad that his bestfriend didn't trust him enough to give him information about his whereabouts, but then it wasn't unusual.

This wasn't the first time Jungkook had attempted to run away from his problems and almost everyone knew where he might've gone.

Everyone except Taehyung.

The brunette (yes, brunette because he had outgrown his coloured hair in the mean time) was the only one who didn't know Jungkook well enough to guess where he might've gone without informing anybody and there was nothing else he could do but sit on his ass and worry all day.

The others told him Jungkook was out for an important meeting and they didn't know when he'd return, but something didn't feel right to Taehyung.  He could feel it. There was something going on with Jungkook that no one was telling him.

The brunette was also forbade to call him up because the boss supposedly didn't like to be disturbed on his trips and it only increased his worry.

It was painfully obvious to everyone how attached Taehyung had gotten to the older.

For the whole period of Jungkook's absence Taehyung had begun losing his appetite, kept forgetting to water the plants and zoned out one too many times as his thoughts kept taking him back to that certain ravenette he had surely begun to miss more than he ever imagined.

His mind kept replaying their last encounter which certainly didn't end up on a very good note for either of them.

After Taehyung had kept the NOC with him Jungkook wordlessly sped back to the condo, almost scaring the boy out of his wits on the way back, before dropping him there and taking off yet again. Taehyung didn't understand what changed his mood, but realized his own wasn't any better so decided to keep shut.

The brunette recalled the hollow feeling that drew upon him as his eyes followed after the older's car speeding down on the road until it disappeared into the dawn. And it only became worse when it never returned.

Not until a week later.

Taehyung perked up on his seat when he heard the familiar honk of the overtly expensive car pulling into their driveway, legs springing up just as the door swung opened, curious eyes searching as Yoongi walked in first, followed by Jungkook.

His Jungkook.

Taehyung finally felt his breath coming back, the heavy feeling on his chest reducing considerably but instantly replaced by a scrunch of worry when he noticed how drained Jungkook looked. Almost as if he hadn't had an ounce of sleep in the whole of last week.

But before he could move, approach the tired ravenette and ask him where he was and if he was okay, Jungkook turned on his feet and left to his room upstairs, locking himself in.

Taehyung wanted to follow him, go check up on him for his increasingly concerning behavior but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Leave him alone for a while Taehyung-ah, he probably needs it." Namjoon pressed a small smile, patting his back and the brunette stood back.

He was right, there was certainly something wrong with him and he needed to find out what.

But his questions could wait until Jungkook was ready.

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