A beauty

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Night fell heavily outside the window, little moist droplets turning into a hazy mist that drifted slowly across the darkest of skies.

Jungkook shifted his gaze from the life sized aperture in his room and down upon his cold hands, rubbing them a little. The clock ticked in silence, the intimidating sound looming ever so greatly in the dim moonlit room.

He tiredly looked to his right, finding the woman he had slept with still as she had been- exhausted with satisfaction and snuggled cozily in a stranger's bed without a care in the world. A stranger was all she was to him, and also the reason why he couldn't sleep.

Jungkook never slept with any of his toys. In the real sense of the word atleast, he hadn't.

Not until...

The ravenette averted his gaze from her petite form as well, closing it instead and let the back of his head meet the headboard with a low thud.
An involuntary sigh escaped his mouth, realizing the stiffness in his neck and joints. It seemed like he'd been sitting like that for a couple of hours but it had only been a few minutes... or was it three hours? He'd know only if his mind would give him a break for once.

Jungkook's phone suddenly buzzed with a notification, the boy springing up on his seat even at the mellow sound he was so used to hearing. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, breath getting stuck in his throat for a vile second that had him coughing out in response.

He returned his gaze to the nightstand next to his bed, the low glow of his phone reminding him of the message that dropped in and needed to be checked. The boss reached for it, ignoring the little twitch in his fingers as they clutched around the cold device.

Dear customer, (+82 456 7367 250)  'Yoongi hyung' is available to take calls now.

Jungkook licked his lips as he stared down at the service message. He had tried to contact this number several times throughout the evening, even in between the drinks party later with the Satos but not even once had it been received, before ultimately falling out of network coverage area.

His initial anger had diminished, replaced by a scrunch of worry for his bodyguard. Yoongi had never done this before, had never ignored Jungkook's calls even once let alone that many times before switching off on him. That was absurd. Was he even alright?

Afterall he had been escorting a traitor that morning.

Not that Jungkook thought Taehyung could harm Yoongi in any way... or harm anyone in general. Whatever his reasons might've been for cheating them, the boy wouldn't hurt them and the boss was atleast sure of that much.

But there was also a possibility of someone following the boy, perhaps track and trap them just like last time? That time it was Seokjin and this time Yoongi?

Jungkook couldn't let that happen. Not again and because one of his stupid mistakes. He was going to--

His sleek blackberry rang up again, this time with a louder, longer whistle indicating a phone call and from the very number he had been anticipating to talk to. Jungkook found his fingers fumbling with a hint of hesitation before he finally swiped the green button.



"Hyung, where are yo--"

"Jungkook! I'm so sorry for not calling or responding to your phone calls on time. There was this... there was this stupid thing that came up and i had to leave for our godowns to resolve the matter. It took longer than expected and then i realized I'd dropped my phone on the way there. I just found it right now luckily... um-- you listening?"

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