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The next morning Taehyung opened his eyes to surprisingly find Jungkook still sleeping beside him.

The ravenette was facing him, his built body curled into a fetus like position as he hugged himself in his sleep.

Taehyung turned on his side and faced him properly, eyeing those dense lashes spreading over the ravenette's cheeks ever so delicately, his lips parted, breath coming out in soft puffs.

He looked peaceful, innocent, almost baby like.

Only if that were the truth...

The brunette sighed softly, reminding himself that he was infact watching the most notorious mafia leader of his country sleep with the such non chalance after lighting up an entire city, destroying a building and taking numerous lives within a blink of an eye.

He wasn't innocent, he was dangerous.

Taehyung often wondered what made him like that. What would have caused those doe eyes to turn so blatantly cold and heartless? Or was he always like that? For some reason Taehyung couldn't believe it.

The momentary flashes of childlike innocence and fun glowing in those deep brown irises of his ... It couldn't have been completely out of context.

No... People aren't born evil afterall and Taehyung believed in that.

When the brunette finally decided to remove the covers and step out of bed, he immediately recoiled, hurriedly covering himself when he realised he was still naked downwards. His face flushed like a beet, the memories of last night...of having his private parts touched and pleasured resurfacing in that way...

It was lewd. Absolutely vulgar and incomprehensibly revolting!

Taehyung felt his face heat up even more when he recalled how he had begged to be touched, how he didn't stop Jungkook from taking him whole, but rather sat back and watched him do it. Was he drugged? He didn't remember being like this ever... so needy, slutty even.

But it was like last night a switch had gone off somewhere, causing him to act completely out of character. But It was probably because he was tired and stressed! Yeah ofcourse. That. Nothing else. Nope.

Taehyung looked around and searched for his pants before quickly pulling them on and stepping into the washroom. He looked himself in the mirror and sighed, the prominent blush on his cheeks still quite evident.

Urgghghh!! Why am I blushing for no reason? It wasn't anything serious. Many people get sucked off... Jungkook surely got sucked off several times before too. It wasn't anything serio--

The brunette paused in his thoughts when a particular memory returned from last night... Words to be exact.

"You're going to return the favour sometime soon cat, I hope you made some mental notes on how to please me too."

Taehyung twirled on his feet and gripped the sink behind him, his heart pacing up at the gruff command ricocheting in his head.

The boss wanted him to return the favour... Wanted him to suck him off. Its needless to say that Taehyung hadn't had any sexual experience before and last night indefinitely was his first.

How would he do it?... Could he? The nineteen year old boy wasn't all that sure.

But wouldn't it be rude to not return a favour? He did help me last night afterall...

His tongue poked out and wet his dry lips, his teeth sinking deep into the plump flesh as he thought about doing it to the boss.

The vague made up imagery of him being probably on his knees in front of the older... Peering up and into Jungkook's black eyes as the male would stare down at him... flashing that infamous smile as he would let his fingers clutch Taehyung's hair with his strong hold...

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