Necktie 🔞

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The meeting took a professional turn, and soon everyone around the table began talking business.

Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok had seated themselves as well, giving in their own contributions at intervals while Yoongi and Jimin stood behind them, silently listening.

Taehyung stood at the very back, his form hidden by a host of black dressed bodyguards and other members of the gang, stiffling a yawn. That's how bored he was getting.

He knew he had no work here whatsoever. He was just an ex Korean cop who couldn't even spy on them even if he wanted to, simply because everything seemed to fly over his head. So he just stood there and scratched his thigh, occasionally playing with his cute tie to keep himself busy.

On the other hand, Jungkook was having a heated argument with Stevie.

"I told you I've got the funds to get the tender passed, so why aren't you willing to invest already?" The ravenhead scowled, banging a fist on the table.

Stevie simply shook his head.

"I know what you're saying Jeon but I can't. You want to setup a firm to help struggling artists! Are you serious? Have you perhaps forgotten that we are mafia-- the 'bad guys' remember? Not some charity organisation for god's sake!" The blue eyed blonde bit back.

"There's no such rule. Good people do bad stuff, bad people do good stuff it's pretty common. Yin Yang remember?" Jungkook reasoned.

"I don't know Mr. Jeon..." A female from beside Stevie spoke up, "I don't think it's a very profitable business to invest in, and just because it's under your name doesn't mean we have to agree."

"I agree," another man said, " we don't want to do charity for the homeless or addicts who litter the walls here... Not unless we run some other discreet business under its name. Like selling crack or something--"

"No thanks John but I'd like to keep this clean," the Korean boss butted in, a sigh leaving his lips. He raised his head and motioned Namjoon to take over the talk of persuasion, and discarded his cigar, bringing up a new one.

Taehyung heard what the talk was about that got the boss so worked up.
The Jeon mafia wanted to setup a business to help struggling artists? That was... Well that was considerate on their part, wasn't it? He was curious why he'd want that though. Weren't they supposed to be the bad guys like the American said?

In the process of thinking too much, the brunette missed two evil eyes observing him mischievously.

He only noticed when his body jolted up with a sudden sting near his chest and he yelped at the pain. He looked up to find Jimin smirking at him, having pulled the elastic straps on his torso before releasing them with a satisfying snap.

Taehyung pouted angrily, wanting to complain at him as the pain on his chest rose but stopped when he noticed the silence in the surroundings.

He shivered when he looked around and found everyone staring at him, now suddenly the focus of attention.

But what scared his guts to the core was the way the boss's eyes had landed on him, seated right across the table from where he was standing. Taehyung flinched when he noticed that the guys covering him with their tall frames had sidetracked and he was in clear line of view for the boss.

Jungkook looked surprised, certainly not expecting to see his new toy at a place like this but then cocked his head to the side and studied the nervous boy in absolute amusement.

Taehyung felt his nerves staggering as the ravenette's eyes raked down his blingy frame, and his breath hitched when he noticed a familiar smirk forming on Jungkook's face.

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