Let's have it your way 🔞

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A/n: Filler but smut warning 🔞

Jungkook's point of view:

If someone ever asked me how my life has been till date, I wouldn't have hesitated to say I've seen it all.

From split faces to spilt brains, houses on blazing fire, and people snorting rows of gunpowder like it was meth-- I'd seen so much in just twenty years of existence that even Graham Norton had to come take lessons from me. No kidding.

(We actually met in Tunisia where I'd taught him to shoot with the gun tucked to the front of your waistband, really no kidding.)

But right now as I sat here, straddling the petite boy I'd stolen a few weeks back and stared down at his-- Ethereal.. yeah that was the word, his carefully crafted ethereal face, I couldn't help but wonder how I missed this.

It was oddly endearing how his face resembled that of a kicked pup especially when he was sad or scared. His big almond eyes pleading for mercy and those luscious lips downturned into the sweetest pout. It almost warmed my heart.

Except, I didn't have much of one.

So I simply wanted to destroy him instead.

I wickedly smirked down at the boy lying pliantly beneath me, releasing his hands and lifting a finger to swiftly boop his nose that had him flinching in response. I chuckled, he was too cute.

"What were you doing right now?" I dropped my voice, husking mockery, "huh, bad kitty?"

The fragile boy released a shaky breath, his lower body struggling a little under my entrapment.

"N-nothing." He squeaked, shaking his head vigorously, eyes wide in denial,
"I d-did nothing!"

"Uh huh?" I pursed my lips in a taut line, feigning confusion, "Nothing you say?"

Taehyung nodded faintly, his cheeks flushing a deep pink as he bit his lip.

He needs to stop doing that.

"Really now? But I thought I felt something earlier," I mumbled watching from the corner of my eyes as his face changed colors.

The boy blinked rapidly, before his eyes lowered and he began chewing on his lips nervously.

"I-im sorr--"

I cut him off, going straight for the neck as i wrapped my fingers around his throat, cutting off his air supplies in an instant. Taehyung let out a small squeal before his voice was gone, his small chest inflating with the lack of oxygen.

"The nerve, kitty," I smirked dangerously, eyeing the choking boy in my hold, "first you grind down on me while I'm asleep and then lie to me like that?"

Taehyung shook his head again, the apple of his throat bobbing below my fingers. I loosened my hold a little, allowing him a breath before softly pressing down again.

"So? Enjoyed dry humping me in my sleep? Hm? Is that your new kink from now? Using sleeping people to get off?" I spat whatever came to my mouth, not caring if it made any sense or not. I'd always known Taehyung wasn't as innocent as he acted out to be, but that didn't mean I was any better. Infact I was so much worse. After all I had groped him on our first meeting under the assumption that he'd like it.

I clicked my tongue, leaning closer to his face, "If you wanted attention you could've just asked! Not saying I didn't enjoy it though, darn I love waking up to surprises like these."

Taehyung looked confused, long lashes blinking rapidly up at me. He seemed to have forgotten the need to breathe for a minute, so to remind him I had to release his constricted throat and plunge down pecking his puckered lips instead.

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