Savage Love 🔞

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"Tae! Where are you hiding hmm? Come on out now, Appa is looking for you~"

Little shoes pattered around the corner of the hallway, baby laughter ringing through the two roomed hut.

"C-catch me if you can abeoji-oo~" the seven year old voice giggled mischievously, a small mop of brown hair peeking from behind the paint chipped wall.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the adjacent room, closely followed by the scrape of an iron rod dragging across the wooden floor.

"Tae-Tae~" the smiling voice called out sweetly, "come on out son, you really don't want me to catch you myself."

More small patters, running into a different room.

"Tae-Tae." The man's coarse voice bellowed again, twitching in embedded scrutiny, "I'm in a bad mood today.You know what'll happen if I catch you right?"

The little giggling stopped, replaced by pin drop silence.

"A-abeoji?" Taehyung squeaked out after a while, stepping out from behind the wall he was hiding at.

Little doe eyes looked up, a familiar fear building behind those warm brown irises as the silhouette of a tall man emerged over his head.

" You've been so naughty these days," The taller figure tutted, hitting the edge of the staff against the wooden floor, "Never listening to Appa."

"Looks like you're in for a punishment Taehyung."


Taehyung sobbed loudly, little naked body curling in pain as he lay there on the floor helpless, bleeding.

"Tch, shhhh." His father put a finger over his lips, signalling the crying boy to shut up as he went back to wetting a cloth in the antiseptic liquid before pressing it against the boy's bruised thighs.

The little boy curled again, wanting to scream at the sting biting his skin but stopped himself. Appa has asked him to keep quiet.

"Does it pain too much?" The man asked him, voice soft, sounding vulnerable and on the verge of breaking.

The little boy felt conflicted. He knew saying the truth would hurt his father, not saying... would make him angry.

Nonetheless he went with the second, shaking his head slightly.

The man cooed, reaching down to gather the little boy in his arms before rocking his little body from side to side, humming an odd tune.

The small brunette watched the man swing him about, with his big starlit eyes that held nothing but affection, more affection for his father.

The older noticed the little gaze trained on his face and broke out into a smile.

"What do you look at huh?" The father chuckled, "Want me to kiss your booboo away?"


Warning: Smut 🔞

Taehyung gasped softly, feeling himself lifted from his feet as two hands reached around his ass and hoisted him up. Almost instinctively he wrapped his legs around the other man's waist, frail hands already secured around his neck.

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