The Kill

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Taehyung woke up, naked and with an uneasy feeling swirling in his stomach.

As usual, he found himself alone in the bedroom with no trace of the elder but it somehow felt lonelier that day.

The type of lonely that makes one scared.

The blue haired knew it had something to do with the way Jungkook had behaved the previous night. His words and actions had clearly conveyed a coveted sense of distress hidden behind a sheen of mockery and anger.

Something which, he learnt over the few weeks, was one of Jungkook's own coping mechanisms.

Taehyung's head buzzed from front to back almost as if he was experiencing a hangover, but only worse. He had no idea why his hormones were buzzing with something vague-- a long forgotten dread that had once captured his heart when he was little.

The boy threw the covers and stepped out into the cold, shivering for more reasons than one. His eyes habitually began wandering for his glasses before recalling not having to use them since he got himself those contacts for the celebration party.

He flinched when a heard a knock at the door, eyes quickly darting to the wall clock above the bed. For a second he freaked out, thinking it was Seokjin coming up to scold him for skipping breakfast again but then recalled that the elder was gone too.

Taehyung sighed sadly, blinking away a few tears that had already managed to surface at the thought of his dearest hyung. Oh how he regretted not coming out to help his hyung, even though he knew there wasn't much he could do about it.

The knock resounded again, harder enough for the boy to snap out of his thoughts and collect his clothes, before slipping them on and answering the door.

"Yoongi hyung?" He was surprised to see the silver head at his door for the first time, wearing his usual blank look.

Taehyung didn't share a very strong bond with Yoongi like the others, owing to the fact that the older was a very private person, but the boy still looked up to him for standing up for him at times and that little gummy smile he threw his way when Taehyung did things right.

So he greeted the other with a warm boxy smile that the older returned with a small tight lipped one before looking away.

"We're moving out of L.A." the pale skinned man said,"The other's have already left, and you are to come with me."

"Where's Jungkook? Has he left already?" Taehyung questioned, feeling the vague emotion return out of nowhere.

"No, but he will... In a while. He's just finishing up with some stuff," Yoongi replied obscurely, pushing his hands into his pockets.

"Oh-- um can i speak to him once? Before we leave? I have to tell him something." The blue haired boy proposed hopefully. He knew he should've spoken to Jungkook about the mysterious dissappearance of his phone a few days back and then the phone call from Seonchang last night itself but he was too busy reveling in his presence to care about anything else.

Stupid Taehyung.

"Uh- im afraid you can't, Tae." Yoongi shook his head, making the boy pout in response," he's quite busy with the--with managing the fake media coverage over the attacks."

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