You're not dirty

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Jungkook was lounging on the small balcony of his room, his unusually calm eyes staring up at the glittery night sky.

He was mostly naked, put on was nothing but a pair of silk black boxer briefs, a stark white Marl boro perched between his tatted fingers.

Extending his feet over the low railing, Jungkook crossed them over the ankles, one hand going to support the back of his head, while the other lingering about his mouth, serving him small helpings of cancer from time to time.

Jungkook exhaled the putrid wispy tendrils through his nostrils, not even caring how they seemed to burn the sensitive skin on their way. He was used to it, the sweet sting. It always notched up the high to a different level.

A shallow ring caught his attention and he looked down to see the screen of his phone glowing up. He stuck the stick between his lips and reached for it on the small coffee table to his right, sliding up the screen to check the notifications.

Stevie stepped down from the deal. We can't have it, Jungkook.

It was Namjoon. The mob boss smirked lazily, sliding to the next message.

Should we head to L.A now?

Jungkook pursed his lips considering the new suggestion before replying with a quick yep my man let's yeet. He switched his phone off and hopped off the chair, walking closer to the railings. From where he stood at the third floor of this small hideout, the entire Chicago skyline was visible, glittering in all its snobbish glory.

It amused Jungkook to no extent. It was always the same old people playing the same old game. He wondered, didn't they get tired of it at times? Didn't they ever want to... try something new? Perhaps not. For him, the people who said change is the only constant thing in the world are wrong. The problem wasn't in the change, but in the stagnancy they seemed to bind themselves with every new prospective pretence of change.

Everyone feared change.

Jungkook smirked sadly and let his burnt out cigarette drop all the way down to the car park. The next moment he looked up, the flickering emotions in his eyes dying a sudden death and now getting replaced by cold yet playful fury.

He couldn't leave Chicago just yet. There was something he had to do before he did.


Taehyung gagged, throwing his head over the toilet bowl for the 3rd time that night. He breathed deeply through his mouth, before trying his best to get something out of his system but failed. Just like the other two times before.

He sat back on his ass and breathed in a gasp of air, eyes tearing up from multiple futile attempts to puke his guts out.

His exhausted mind drifted back to a certain memory from two hours ago, a certain black haired devil looming over his head, smirking evily, touching his cheek, before grabbing his jaw and--

The brunette gagged again and reached for the pan attempting to puke again but to no avail.

It was useless. There was nothing to let out.

Taehyung felt sick.

His heart was in a frenzy, so was each and every nerve fibre in his body. Taehyung didn't know what was happening to him, why was his body reacting like this?

He raised his head and kicked his legs, crawling on the tiles until his back touched the other end of the small washroom. His breath was erratic as he looked like he was on the verge of having a panick attack.

What was happening to him?

The first thought that came over his mind was fear. Absolute, impalpable fear. It was so much and so strong that it clouded his senses, enough to make his head ache.

It was worse, because the source of that fear wasn't one he'd felt earlier.

It wasn't the fear of his life like he had when he was kidnapped, not the fear of losing his identity and dream job when he left Korea, it was something else. It was the fear budding from within himself. The fear of change within.

Taehyung realized that he wasn't the same person who he was when he lived and worked as a rookie cop back in Seonchang. He was someone else today, becoming someone else with each day, each hour he passed here in this foreign land, with these foreign people who made him feel all these foreign emotions he didn't even know existed--

No, no! I don't like this-- stop. This has to stop.

Do you Taehyung? Do you really hate it?

Yes! Ofcourse I do. I have to hate it... It's it's gross.

It's not about having to hate it, do you really hate it?

...I--i almost killed somebody today...

You did it to save somebody else's life, isn't that what police do? Isn't that what you would have done as an officer too, to save the life of an innocent?

Then I... Let someone--- I let someone violate me! He t-touched me s-so wrongly!! Then he even sp-spat in my-my--

You could have stopped him.

I couldn't-- he kidnapped me, he could kill me!

Who are you kidding Tae? Aren't you here because of your own decision again? No one forced you to do anything you didn't want.

I was being th--threatened--

So were you when you had to spend the night with Jungkook in that cell. You stood your ground then, so what happened now? He hasn't really forced you into anything yet.


I f-feel dirty. I'm so- I'm so- nasty for b-being like this.

You're not. You're not nasty for being a certain type of way, you're not dirty for liking something no one else would like. It's not in your hands, Tae...

I'm crazy, am I not?

The entire world is crazy.

A sudden knock on the door jerked the disturbed brunette out of his internal debate. He stopped crying and wiped his teary sweaty face before shakily asking who it was.

"Kitty? What you doing in there? Come on out now... Let's go for a walk hmm?"

The boss's deep yet pitchy voice sent a familiar shudder through Taehyung's senses, making him close his eyes and hit the back of his head on the wall behind.

That voice...

Honestly? I just want to fuck you Taehyung.

Taehyung almost moaned out at the mere memory of those words the boss had so shamelessly confessed to him, that day on the plane.

You're not dirty for liking something no one else would like.

The brunette ran his tongue over his wet lips before taking them between his teeth and biting down hard.

I'm crazy for liking this.

"I-i'll be a minute." He replied, trying to cover his quivering voice as he squirmed on his spot.

He heard a teasing chuckle from the other side of the door.

"I'll be waiting Jagi."


(A/n: it's a reminder for those readers who are uncomfortable with um, dirty stuff. I've warned you in the description. So please use your discretion and stop reading. The response has already gone down from the last chapter and it's only the beginning. I don't want to spoil much but it has mentions of a lot of kinks that readers may or may not be comfortable with. Kindly try not to report it ':))

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