Chapter 70

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 70

Christmas morning came and with it was a slew of gifts and happy tidings from the Potter family, which Jasmine was beginning to feel like was her own. The four of them were seated in the main sitting room around the large, and once could say, excessively decorated, Christmas tree. Apparently, it was a Potter family tradition to never throw out ornaments, but to just keep getting larger and larger trees to accommodate them. This had been going on for about four hundred years. Suffice to say, the tree was packed with trinkets from all over the world and from all different time periods.

Monty was sipping what was supposed to be morning tea, but Jasmine had a feeling it was some kind of mulled cider. He had an overly large elf hat perched on his perpetually messy hair. Euphemia, ever the picture of grace was in a bright red dressing gown with matching slippers. Her usual pale blue one was elsewhere. She was watching has James doled out gifts, his glasses somewhat askew. He had procured a flashing stag onesie from some cursed store. Jasmine was the most muted out of all of them. She had never been one to celebrate the holidays by dressing according to the day. She was in her usual pale violet dressing gown. Though, she had happily brought present for all of her friends and acquaintances.

Jasmine honestly enjoyed looking for gifts for people. It was a challenge, and it was one that she got joy out of without it having anything to do with defeating a Dark Lord. It was also a way for her to remember the little things that made her friends happy.

The gifts that were given to her were always well thought out by the Potter family. She didn't feel like they were giving her generic gifts. They always felt personal.

Euphemia and Monty had brought her a new wardrobe for her internship around the world, for both the muggle and magical world. It had to have cost her small fortune. Each piece was actually in style and in colors that would complement her more delicate features. Monty claimed that he picked out the leather jacket that Jasmine had been petting across her lap all morning. Euphemia smacked his arm in retaliation.

"Regardless of whoever picked it out, it's lovely."

James had gotten her a book on runes and transfiguration combinations. That was going to be fascinating read. The two branches of magic didn't often overlap due to the impermanent nature of transfiguration and near permanent nature of runes.

Remus bought her Mexican chocolate, which she had mentioned that she liked once while they were at honeydukes back in September. It was sweet that he remembered.

"Moony sent you chocolate, how like him..."

Jasmine popped a piece in her mouth and hummed as it warmed her up, the chili flakes peppered throughout leaving a slight burn in their wake. "It's from Mexico, it isn't sweet like European chocolate tends to be, but not overly bitter like baking chocolate."

She didn't offer her cousin any, she knew he'd waste it. If there was one thing that all the Marauder's had in common it was their sweet tooth. It was something she honestly missed as Harriet. For nine lives she enjoyed sweets and craved them regularly, but as Jasmine, she couldn't stand overly sweet treats. Such are the pitfalls of forcibly taking over someone's body. She had never imagined that cravings would be something so biologically inclined that it could override nine lives worth of taste memory.

The next package she picked up was from Lily. She had sent her a small pocket calendar for the next year. It had flowers and saying painted on the sides. In the weekly notes section it looked like Jasmine would be able to communicate with her friend, which was an interesting feature that her roommate had to have added on her own. Lily was going to be a charm master someday. Jasmine was going to make sure of that.

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