Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

The rest of the week went by rather quickly. Blaise and Theo had to say goodbye on Friday morning to catch their portkey back to the states, but they promised that they would talk soon. Jasmine always hated saying goodbye to them, it always felt so final. Living in different countries was awful. That hadn't been something she had really had to deal with in any of her lives so far. Her friends had always been close by, easy to call in during an emergency, but now she was mostly by herself. Sure, she had her cousin and his friends, but they didn't have the experience that Blaise and Theo had and, really, she was mostly an outsider to them, a fringe friend, or at least, that's how she felt on occasion.

Now, her three closest friends, Mikhail, Theo and Blaise all lived outside of the UK. Magical transportation was great, and made things easier than traveling the muggle way, but it was still a hassle. It wasn't the same as just flooing over or apparating to someone's house. There was an international portkey, magical immigration and customs, not to mention occasionally dealing with a language barrier, depending on where someone was traveling to. Jasmine was not a fan of separating herself from them, but she knew it was for the best. She would get into far too much trouble with the three of them if they were always together.

"You'll see them again soon, Jasmine. Maybe next time you can go to America. You'll be coming of age soon and that would mean that you could travel outside of the country without an adult. Not that you would be unsupervised the entire trip. I have no doubt that their parents would keep you a respectable distance from-"

She cut Euphemia off with a grateful smile. "I understand the sentiment, but I don't know if I would be welcome into their home. Things work a bit differently across the pond when it comes to indigenous magical communities."

And by that, Jasmine meant that they were rather segregated and completely secret to outsiders. They had been nearly wiped out by the European wizards over the last few hundred years. It wasn't worth it to risk any of their settlements to some random witch from England. Well, she wasn't really all that random, she had a rank and title and that was more than enough of a reason to keep her out. Blaise and Theo had subtly mentioned that more than once when the topic was brought up by either one of her guardians. Though, Theo had mentioned something about hosting her once he had settled into a job. Her friend had told them over dinner he wanted to go into medicine.

It had been Theo's dream since she's known him to open up his own practice. He hadn't been given the chance since the name Nott had always been associated with Death Eaters. No one would even admit him into their medical training programs. They all thought that he was Death Eater in training, even after it had come out that he had helped defeat the Dark Lord.

During her first life as Harriet, Theo had never fought on Voldemort's side. While he didn't take an active approach in defeating him in that life, he had never opposed her, which is what had drawn her to him in the first place. He just seemed like a shy and quiet kid, which he was, but Theo was also a genius in his own right.

Then there was Blaise, a neutral loud mouth from a family of French assassins. Who was now slated to run their tribe back in the states. There was some secret stuff about why he was being chosen, but that was the roll that he was destined to take on through some ritual or another. Jasmine prayed silently for America because Blaise leading anything was a terrifying thought.

"I don't see why they wouldn't allow them to have their friends visit," James grumbled after they had left. He had enjoyed having the two other troublemakers in the house. They had been showing James a few different tricks he could do without a wand and it was driving Euphemia mad. Monty was enjoying the pranks and silly tricks.

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