Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

Jasmine was fuming as she sent a patronus to Bellatrix and gathered what few emergency weapons she had stashed in her office. She let out a groan when she remembered she had removed quite a few of them when Bill started to take lessons in the office during the summer. The "ornate" sword and knife collection she used to keep over the fireplace had been replaced with paintings to make the office look a bit more...normal.

Obviously, that had been a mistake, but she still had a few in her desk.

She pocketed four knives she hidden in her desk draws, a few rune-etched explosive minerals she had told Bill were decorative stones, and her had her two wands were securely placed in their holsters ready for battle.

As she approached the fireplace, she waited to see if Bella would respond to her patronus. Bella usually sent a response promptly. Jasmine didn't have a lot of time to spare, so when nothing came she grabbed some powder.

Jasmine should be able to get into the house and help deal with whoever, or whatever, was attacking the manor. While Jasmine knew she had the skill to take out large numbers, she couldn't be as careful with her spell casting as she'd like. Casualties would occur and then she'd need to explain all the dead bodies when the authorities showed up. Granted, she would have been acting in defense of the manor, but all the paperwork she'd need to file would be a nightmare.

Tom, the bastard, had distracted her just long enough for her to miss the initial message about the attack. He had more than likely made up the ridiculous "law" his allies were going to propose. He did all of that so that his followers could have time to kill the Malfoy Family. She knew that Abraxas was in the Manor as well Cissy.

Jasmine had designed their wards...she knew how complex even the basic protections she had placed on the house were. It must have taken Tom months to figure out how to get through even the base that was there. He had to have been planning this attack all along. Dumbledore had thought he was going to attack the school, Jasmine had thought so too. But the sneaky piece of shit had tricked them all and moved in on the Malfoy Family. Tom wanted to hit both the Malfoys and Blacks with this attack.

Tom was clever, she would give him that, but Jasmine also had a lot of layers to her wards. Quite a few people would have had to have been at least severely injured to make it through. Illegally breaking blood wards required a certain kind of sacrifice.

"Malfoy Manor!" Jasmine shouted in the green flames. It wasn't safe going alone, but she didn't have time to call for anymore help that wouldn't come. If Tom used himself as a distraction, he had to have sent someone he trusted to get the job done. She could feel Death's magic cheering her on as she prepared to throw herself into danger.

Miraculously, she actually managed to catch herself as the fireplace deposited her in main foyer.

The foyer was pitch black. None of the usual lights were lit, even the emergency magical candles were snuffed out. The only light was coming in from the full moon outside. Jasmine used her rune vision to look around and winced at the dead bodies littering the floor. Some were house elves and some looked to be Death Eaters. The elves were torn apart...mauled.

There was a piercing howl from the upper floor.



The hair on the back of Jasmine's neck stood up. She could sense it with her rune vision. There was the briefest crunch of glass from her left. There was a blur of movement and her silver dagger was out in a flash as a large wolf pounced towards her, claws clacking on the tile floor, picking up remarkable speed as it dashed towards her. Jasmine dove out of the fireplace and stabbed the skittering wolf in the leg as it smashed into the marble hearth. The silver met flesh and the wolf screeched as the metal burned into their skin. The stone above the fireplace cracked, pieces started to splinter and fall, painting the wolf in a powder white coat as they crashed onto the floor.

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